I think I set the record for the amount of @$$-Whole things I could say or do in one day. I swear, by the time it was 10:00 PM I was surprising myself even.
Woke up at 9, planned to eat first, then use the next 2.5 hours before my Music Appreciation Final to cram the listening portion into my mind and know at least half of them. No such luck. I couldn't get out of bed due to how tired I was. I went to bed at midnight after talking about the days' events with 204, I thought that 9 hours of sleep would be enough to satisfy my fatigue. I was wrong. Finally, at 10, I crawled out of bed and got ready for the day. The cereal dispenser at the cafe wouldn't work. At 11:30 I finally had the focus to get onto the website for the listening, and crammed all I could in the short time I gave myself. Made my way over to a lecture hall, the inside of which I'd never seen, and found a spot near a student I'd worked with in another class. We talked about the music, were joined by another classmate, observed a periodic table of elements in the room, and then the room took the test. It wasn't that bad, I'm sure I got less than 40 of the 50 questions correct. So I won't get a great grade on that one. Not worried, the class was simple and I had 80 points (8% of the class total) in extra credit. (Side note, I got 926/1000 in the class, for my first official A in this university.) After that final, I returned to 204 to hang out with them, and after repairing a messed up minecraft server, I returned to the room to find that all of them were gone. And my power cable was in their room still. So a text-hunt later and I met them in the Overlook. I ate nothing, was called skinny, and also got my fatigue blamed on my lack of nutrition.
I then proceeded to accompany Nicole and Sierra to the Post Office. I typically walk, but they took the campus shuttle instead. So Sierra picked up 2 packages, and I peeked into my keyhole to be sure I had nothing to pick up (not that I had my key on me anyhow)
So we took the bus down afterwards, as I usually do this time. During said bus ride, I happened to overhear a couple girls in front of me talking about Teepee, Tent, and The More The Merrier. Curious, I looked over at them, and saw them reading from a book called the Snuggie Sutra. Yes this means exactly what it sounds like.
So when we got back to the dorm, I was busy laughing without trying to be obvious, and then showing the other girls internet findings of the book. Then began my descent into jerkhood. The things I did weren't that bad, it was just the frequency of them that astounded us all. Closing doors in people's faces, mocking the things they said, just being an annoying little prick in general. So the day passed, my laughter progressively getting more frequent, due to more frequent idiocy on my part.
Finally, we went to breakfast. I understand that this makes no sense. The cafe had some special event going on for finals, breakfast from 10-12 in the evening. Thus my douchiness ended. I was brought to sobriety by the sight of someone to motivate deep thoughts. Deep thought Jeremy is quiet and brooding, and not an @$$. After that was over, and I was stuffed, we went back to the dorms, and by 12:06, I was normal again, giving away the last 6 boxes of my nerds gift. And I still thank Kyle Mavrides and Nicole Emmerich for giving it to me a week ago, and helping me accentuate that we are what we eat.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
What do I call this.....Title Here. Thats good.
I've revived this to state that my life is not just revolving around Minecraft, friends down in suite 204, classes, and emotional stress/anxiety. Most of it is, which is why I haven't blogged in too long. People just don't want to hear about those mundane things, or at least not the majority. Especially when it gets repetitive for so many days. So speaking to the audience that I know reads this, I can fill y'all in on my Thanksgiving details, and perhaps even entertain you. Challenge accepted.
So, I'll start with Wednesday, since that's when a lot of significant things happened. Almost all of my friends left, primarily from Suite 204, but also a couple out of my suite. I had to go to 2 classes that day, whereas most of the people I knew had a morning class and were finished. Nope, I got to take a 100 point exam in Computer Science. Time to program my heart out. Or lose my heart to the strain of stressing over it. Happily, it was all programming, and no commenting, which played right into my strengths. I finished the test about 20th, and with 11 minutes to spare, even after filling in the extra credit section. I'm fairly confident in that result. After a MUCH needed Skype conversation lasting almost 2 and a half hours, as well as an exchange of messages with someone else for 39 minutes, I was ready to sleep. By Thursday morning, the place was devoid of life, except me. And Adam. My roommate lives nearby (relatively) and decided to not spend all 4+ days with his family, thus preventing the onset of my cabin fever. I can actually talk to someone besides myself without going to the internet. However, Thursday was also Thanksgiving, and I'd been invited to Ali's house to spend the time with her family, and a few other invitees. 2 from White Pine along with me, as well as an inhabitant of (Spellcheck) Nikiski/Kenai area who had taken a train from Washington, if I remember correctly. So a little over an hour later, the food was out, the green beans reminded me of home (no lie, I swear my mom made it) and we were all stuffed with turkey, cranberries, other assorted dishes expected of the date, and an interesting Jello concoction made specially by Ali's younger sister. We also got to play with bubbles of water on the water-resistant table cover (theres a word for it, but I'm tired.) After that meal at 12:30 or so, they got out the 8th Harry Potter movie, and we simply watched that and I bashed the lack of accuracy to the book as it went along. I'll forever love the series, but I swear some of those scenes make my eyes hurt. There is no logical reason to have Harry and Voldemort jump off of the castle and meld their faces together.
- Ok off topic. So afterwards, a few of us got to get our hands on the new Modern Warfare game, and shot up some zombies. It passed the time, I've never been strong with a console honestly. The Cowboys-Dolphins game interrupted our playtime, as the score was close enough to actually garner our attention. Everyone knows the result, and it felt like the whole house was defeated as the final kick went in. Afterwards, they set up an Apples to Apples game, and the one player who had no experience at all decided to destroy everyone. He won with 10 cards, and the closest runner up had.... 4? I ended up holding 'Delicious' and it's been said that your finishing cards can actually describe you... The worst part was when I had to judge the word "Cool" and two really mean people put down, "Math" (I almost decided to let that one win without looking at the rest) and "Harry Potter" and I swear my heart was torn. I finally used logic to determine that sometimes math can be annoying and difficult, whereas Harry Potter has never ceased to be cool at any point I can remember. Thus Harry Potter won. It really hurt to make that decision.
So after that game was finished, the whole bunch of us sat and lazed about watching volleyball and messing with the dog. The invitees got a ride back to the dorms, and the train rider was carted back to wherever he was supposed to be... Reading and Minecraft finished off that night. Probably should have eaten something else, but the important things escape me the most.
So Black Friday came, and for once I didn't wake up at 6 or earlier. It felt so weird to be up at 9 instead, with Adam not there, he slept elsewhere that night. I knew the nearby cafe was closed, so I simply took a 6-stop-light hike down to McDonalds. Not the best choice for health, but it's the first time I've had it since I left Alaska. Adam was there when I got back, it was just him and me. Two R.A.'s stopped by (I guess to be sure we weren't partying it up.) The rest of the day is a blur of napping, reading, Big Bang Theory on Adam's laptop, and the internet. Until I hiked the 3 stop-lights to Walgreens, and picked up a few things I've been putting off purchasing. My contact solution that just went empty that morning, to start with. Kinda need that.
So the dorm was silent as I got back, the campus a ghost town. Jack stopped by with some people, then left, then came back with a high school kid, then left again, this time saying he'd be back sometime around Tuesday. So I simply popped in my Ipod and let the day pass. It's so nice to be able to sing to my music without worrying about people hearing me and judging me. Then Adam got back and we both silently passed out time on our computers. He went to bed, I wrapped my stuff up online, checked the stuff I deem important, and then proceeded to write this to whomever decides it is worth their time to devour. So, as my eyelids droop, my roommate snorts (no seriously, he just did, even though he doesn't fully snore) and the hour hits 1 am, I say good night, good morning, and hope you had a happy reading. I also hope I didn't miss anything important... Now what do I call this blooming post?!?!?!
So, I'll start with Wednesday, since that's when a lot of significant things happened. Almost all of my friends left, primarily from Suite 204, but also a couple out of my suite. I had to go to 2 classes that day, whereas most of the people I knew had a morning class and were finished. Nope, I got to take a 100 point exam in Computer Science. Time to program my heart out. Or lose my heart to the strain of stressing over it. Happily, it was all programming, and no commenting, which played right into my strengths. I finished the test about 20th, and with 11 minutes to spare, even after filling in the extra credit section. I'm fairly confident in that result. After a MUCH needed Skype conversation lasting almost 2 and a half hours, as well as an exchange of messages with someone else for 39 minutes, I was ready to sleep. By Thursday morning, the place was devoid of life, except me. And Adam. My roommate lives nearby (relatively) and decided to not spend all 4+ days with his family, thus preventing the onset of my cabin fever. I can actually talk to someone besides myself without going to the internet. However, Thursday was also Thanksgiving, and I'd been invited to Ali's house to spend the time with her family, and a few other invitees. 2 from White Pine along with me, as well as an inhabitant of (Spellcheck) Nikiski/Kenai area who had taken a train from Washington, if I remember correctly. So a little over an hour later, the food was out, the green beans reminded me of home (no lie, I swear my mom made it) and we were all stuffed with turkey, cranberries, other assorted dishes expected of the date, and an interesting Jello concoction made specially by Ali's younger sister. We also got to play with bubbles of water on the water-resistant table cover (theres a word for it, but I'm tired.) After that meal at 12:30 or so, they got out the 8th Harry Potter movie, and we simply watched that and I bashed the lack of accuracy to the book as it went along. I'll forever love the series, but I swear some of those scenes make my eyes hurt. There is no logical reason to have Harry and Voldemort jump off of the castle and meld their faces together.
- Ok off topic. So afterwards, a few of us got to get our hands on the new Modern Warfare game, and shot up some zombies. It passed the time, I've never been strong with a console honestly. The Cowboys-Dolphins game interrupted our playtime, as the score was close enough to actually garner our attention. Everyone knows the result, and it felt like the whole house was defeated as the final kick went in. Afterwards, they set up an Apples to Apples game, and the one player who had no experience at all decided to destroy everyone. He won with 10 cards, and the closest runner up had.... 4? I ended up holding 'Delicious' and it's been said that your finishing cards can actually describe you... The worst part was when I had to judge the word "Cool" and two really mean people put down, "Math" (I almost decided to let that one win without looking at the rest) and "Harry Potter" and I swear my heart was torn. I finally used logic to determine that sometimes math can be annoying and difficult, whereas Harry Potter has never ceased to be cool at any point I can remember. Thus Harry Potter won. It really hurt to make that decision.
So after that game was finished, the whole bunch of us sat and lazed about watching volleyball and messing with the dog. The invitees got a ride back to the dorms, and the train rider was carted back to wherever he was supposed to be... Reading and Minecraft finished off that night. Probably should have eaten something else, but the important things escape me the most.
So Black Friday came, and for once I didn't wake up at 6 or earlier. It felt so weird to be up at 9 instead, with Adam not there, he slept elsewhere that night. I knew the nearby cafe was closed, so I simply took a 6-stop-light hike down to McDonalds. Not the best choice for health, but it's the first time I've had it since I left Alaska. Adam was there when I got back, it was just him and me. Two R.A.'s stopped by (I guess to be sure we weren't partying it up.) The rest of the day is a blur of napping, reading, Big Bang Theory on Adam's laptop, and the internet. Until I hiked the 3 stop-lights to Walgreens, and picked up a few things I've been putting off purchasing. My contact solution that just went empty that morning, to start with. Kinda need that.
So the dorm was silent as I got back, the campus a ghost town. Jack stopped by with some people, then left, then came back with a high school kid, then left again, this time saying he'd be back sometime around Tuesday. So I simply popped in my Ipod and let the day pass. It's so nice to be able to sing to my music without worrying about people hearing me and judging me. Then Adam got back and we both silently passed out time on our computers. He went to bed, I wrapped my stuff up online, checked the stuff I deem important, and then proceeded to write this to whomever decides it is worth their time to devour. So, as my eyelids droop, my roommate snorts (no seriously, he just did, even though he doesn't fully snore) and the hour hits 1 am, I say good night, good morning, and hope you had a happy reading. I also hope I didn't miss anything important... Now what do I call this blooming post?!?!?!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Pretty damn good
Yes, this language is necessary for the magnitude of how good this day was. Granted, I could imagine a few events (well just one in particular) that would have made it f*****g good, but I won't go into that just now.
So it started with me waking up at 8 am as Adam slammed the door. I asked him to because I needed to wake up early and avoid rushing to write an essay.
Then I woke up at 8:10.
Then I woke up at 8:20.
Then I woke up at 8:30.
Then I woke up at 8:40.
Then I woke up at 8:50.
Then I woke up at 9:00.
Then I woke up at 9:10.
Then I woke up at 9:20.
Then I woke up at 9:30.
Then I woke up at 9:40.
Then I woke up at 9:50.
Then I woke up at 10:40, and class was at 11. So I got out of bed and out to the class really fast.
Nothing special happened, it was another Calc class really. We started learning something I'd already used in homework before.
Then I went to brunch with Haley, it was cool, we ditched some other guy I didn't know as we left, so that was interesting. Then the fun began. I didn't wake up early, so I got to rush my way through my photo essay. It actually went pretty well, I finished it in 40 minutes, not nearly as long as I expected to take. it turned out well enough, though I was filling it with lies after I got to 1.5 pages. I just treated it like I was analyzing the photos of someone else rather than my own. So I wasted time after that was over. Went to class early next, where we had to place our photos on our desk, then walk around and view the photos of the other students to get an idea of how they interpreted the assignment. I liked quite a few sets of them, including one using cool photo effects to blur the edges, and another using origami to depict animals made of litter in the wild. I was actually surprised at how many people liked mine, considering I'd literally dreamed of the inspiration to take them, rather than thinking it through logically.
The thing that surprised me the most was the fact that the teacher is actually a photographer as a hobby, and he liked my first one as well.
So with a light mind I left to go to CS, where we had one of the TA's as a sub. We simply went through a bunch of practice stuff, but I participated a lot, got certain errors corrected, and it was a very light mood overall as the class progressed. It was probably the best time I'd had in the class since week one.
Afterwards, I went to dinner with Katie, Nichole, Alyssa and Sierra, before I ninja'd out like a pro, leaving them for the silence of Kyle's company back in their room. Until 7, when I went to Music Appreciation, I was feeling pretty good in terms of mood. MUS 121 just bored me to death, listening to 2 presentations from desperate Extra-Credit hounds, and learning about Wagner, Brahms, and Shubert. I swear time goes slower Wednesday from 7-9:45. Its some relativity paradox no one has solved yet.
Afterwards, I went to eat, blew my nose, and had the first bloody nose I've experienced since week 4. I thought I was done with them, but alas, no. So I got that stemmed and then I stayed up til 3 playing Civilization 4 with Alyssa as company, and slowly developed a worse cough than I've been experiencing for the past 2 weeks. Guess that's not going away any time soon.
So it started with me waking up at 8 am as Adam slammed the door. I asked him to because I needed to wake up early and avoid rushing to write an essay.
Then I woke up at 8:10.
Then I woke up at 8:20.
Then I woke up at 8:30.
Then I woke up at 8:40.
Then I woke up at 8:50.
Then I woke up at 9:00.
Then I woke up at 9:10.
Then I woke up at 9:20.
Then I woke up at 9:30.
Then I woke up at 9:40.
Then I woke up at 9:50.
Then I woke up at 10:40, and class was at 11. So I got out of bed and out to the class really fast.
Nothing special happened, it was another Calc class really. We started learning something I'd already used in homework before.
Then I went to brunch with Haley, it was cool, we ditched some other guy I didn't know as we left, so that was interesting. Then the fun began. I didn't wake up early, so I got to rush my way through my photo essay. It actually went pretty well, I finished it in 40 minutes, not nearly as long as I expected to take. it turned out well enough, though I was filling it with lies after I got to 1.5 pages. I just treated it like I was analyzing the photos of someone else rather than my own. So I wasted time after that was over. Went to class early next, where we had to place our photos on our desk, then walk around and view the photos of the other students to get an idea of how they interpreted the assignment. I liked quite a few sets of them, including one using cool photo effects to blur the edges, and another using origami to depict animals made of litter in the wild. I was actually surprised at how many people liked mine, considering I'd literally dreamed of the inspiration to take them, rather than thinking it through logically.
The thing that surprised me the most was the fact that the teacher is actually a photographer as a hobby, and he liked my first one as well.
So with a light mind I left to go to CS, where we had one of the TA's as a sub. We simply went through a bunch of practice stuff, but I participated a lot, got certain errors corrected, and it was a very light mood overall as the class progressed. It was probably the best time I'd had in the class since week one.
Afterwards, I went to dinner with Katie, Nichole, Alyssa and Sierra, before I ninja'd out like a pro, leaving them for the silence of Kyle's company back in their room. Until 7, when I went to Music Appreciation, I was feeling pretty good in terms of mood. MUS 121 just bored me to death, listening to 2 presentations from desperate Extra-Credit hounds, and learning about Wagner, Brahms, and Shubert. I swear time goes slower Wednesday from 7-9:45. Its some relativity paradox no one has solved yet.
Afterwards, I went to eat, blew my nose, and had the first bloody nose I've experienced since week 4. I thought I was done with them, but alas, no. So I got that stemmed and then I stayed up til 3 playing Civilization 4 with Alyssa as company, and slowly developed a worse cough than I've been experiencing for the past 2 weeks. Guess that's not going away any time soon.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
I didn't touch my computer the whole weekend.
I've been waaaaay too busy to do anything related to my computer/gaming this weekend. Too busy getting ready for Lincoln Haunted Basement, a mini-haunted house in the basement of White Pine Hall's neighbor hall, Lincoln. Starting Friday at 1, we began construction of the entire project. First the clean out needed to be done, and that required lifting cinderblocks and other miscellaneous materials that weren't going to be used, then bringing them to the new storage room. Then the layout of the individual rooms began. We all had our separate groups, and got to work on the room we had chosen. I was in one of the largest rooms, the (old) storage room. We got to lift student desks and rearrange them in a rectangle, and then work on creating a fake conveyor belt out of tin foil. The worst part was getting the fake walls made of tarp hung up and stable. The best part was getting to know the people in my room, and the happiness when I was recognized as someone who doesn't get creeped out, rather, I just join in and play along. (But the question is: was I actually playing?)
I also was invited to an event on campus, Harry Potter Weekend, where we got to participate in various Potter related activities. There was wand-making, where we used a wood stick and a bunch of art supplies to create our own wand, (we were supposed to only get 1 stick, but I got away with 3) there was Wizard Chess, where the people in charge took forever and a day to make a decision (we won by the way) and then there was Harry Potter Jeopardy. 6 teams of 2 people went through round 1. My team started in the negatives, but then worked our way back up, and after bidding 2/3 of what we had, made it to first place. Then the top 3 teams split into 6 individual contestants to compete for the prize. The funniest thing was, each team had a strong player, and a bit of a tag along Potter fan. I had a heart rate of about 240 as we were playing the game. Katie and Rachel, two girls I had never met until that night, really gave me a hard battle. If I remember correctly, our 3 scores before Final Jeopardy were : 8200-Katie 6400-Me and 8600-Rachel. I just know I was in last of the top 3. The category: Potions. My bet: 4000. My final score: 10400. The winning score: 10400. I was so relieved, and my heart finally dropped out of my throat. So I won a light-up wand. Then there was a raffle, and I won a Tales of Beedle the Bard book. It was a great night, with great people. I was happy to know I wasn't alone in my fanaticism.
Then it was back to the basement to do more work. That construction was an adventure. That lasted the entirety of the weekend, from 1-10 Friday, 12-10 Saturday, and 11-7 Sunday, 7 being the time of judgement for safety and scare-ity. We passed the safety, but lacked loads in scariness. So an hour, and a few extra actors later, we had our act ramped up a ton. We felt gooooood about our room. We even got applause from a very (how to put this nicely) picky... coordinator.
Monday came, I stayed up until 4 am talking about very deep subjects. It felt really good to get back into the philosophical mindset again. I really miss it from the Seminar School. The downside is, 4 am is cruel to the early riser. I was woken at 7 to go to breakfast with friends, and then got 2 hours of sleep upon returning, before I had class. I went to Calc 3, where I'm calculating the volume under oddly shaped functions, and bounded by odd shapes on the x,y plane. Apparently it's some "big deal" for later. And I was having trouble keeping my eyes open, and my mouth closed (yawn) the entire time. Afterwards, I needed to do laundry, so I fell asleep for 2 hours instead. I think I made the right choice, as I felt much better after I woke up to go to English. English 102 is primarily about analysis for my class. This week, we are analyzing Photography. Composition and Subject matter are the main points we look for. Balance of light, colors, patterns, and also the intent of the photographer as they took the photo. So we got to get into the feet of the photographers, and take pictures around campus on a sort of independent scavenger hunt, taking pictures of things such as: a pattern of squares, an insect/animal, Fall season, motion, 2 triangles in the same frame, a path leading to the distance... It was quite fun really. Of course, we have to pick our 3 favorites and send the Professor a paragraph explaining why (in analytical terms of course) we chose those 3. So it's not all fun and games. Computer Science was boring as ever, we learned about Arrays and how to use them, as well as how to use loops to make them useful. The next thing I did was skip SCI 110. I needed to get ready for the Basement, and that class is useless. So with a light heart, I speedwalked back to my dorm to get changed. I also got to avoid the socially awkward fact that somebody in my class knows I'm avoiding somebody else in that class.
So I got changed, grabbed my snacks and my water, and walked down to the basement. Everything was pretty much set up, and I got my makeup put on as the poor throat-slash victim. I was advised to shave my neck before getting liquid latex put on the next night. (Seriously that stuff hurts when peeled off neck hair.) So the makeup was done, and I had no idea how much pain I was in for when I was done that evening.
So the basement opened up at 7, and the scaring was boring. No one was really impressed by any of us. We continued until 9:30 when we had our 7 minute break. After the break, things got good. People were screaming, we changed a few parts of our room, sudden bangs got people worked up, and I even got a couple screams out of people myself. It was a great time. The quotes that came out of that room were priceless as well. The line finished at about 11:30, and we got to work fixing the messed up parts of our room. We had no more foil to fix the conveyor belt, so that was put off for Tuesday. Then I peeled off my throat wound, felt like crying as I massaged my sore neck, and went to bed. No shower, I was too tired. I hope my bed didn't get too bloody, I did change out of my blood soaked clothes first.
I also was invited to an event on campus, Harry Potter Weekend, where we got to participate in various Potter related activities. There was wand-making, where we used a wood stick and a bunch of art supplies to create our own wand, (we were supposed to only get 1 stick, but I got away with 3) there was Wizard Chess, where the people in charge took forever and a day to make a decision (we won by the way) and then there was Harry Potter Jeopardy. 6 teams of 2 people went through round 1. My team started in the negatives, but then worked our way back up, and after bidding 2/3 of what we had, made it to first place. Then the top 3 teams split into 6 individual contestants to compete for the prize. The funniest thing was, each team had a strong player, and a bit of a tag along Potter fan. I had a heart rate of about 240 as we were playing the game. Katie and Rachel, two girls I had never met until that night, really gave me a hard battle. If I remember correctly, our 3 scores before Final Jeopardy were : 8200-Katie 6400-Me and 8600-Rachel. I just know I was in last of the top 3. The category: Potions. My bet: 4000. My final score: 10400. The winning score: 10400. I was so relieved, and my heart finally dropped out of my throat. So I won a light-up wand. Then there was a raffle, and I won a Tales of Beedle the Bard book. It was a great night, with great people. I was happy to know I wasn't alone in my fanaticism.
Then it was back to the basement to do more work. That construction was an adventure. That lasted the entirety of the weekend, from 1-10 Friday, 12-10 Saturday, and 11-7 Sunday, 7 being the time of judgement for safety and scare-ity. We passed the safety, but lacked loads in scariness. So an hour, and a few extra actors later, we had our act ramped up a ton. We felt gooooood about our room. We even got applause from a very (how to put this nicely) picky... coordinator.
Monday came, I stayed up until 4 am talking about very deep subjects. It felt really good to get back into the philosophical mindset again. I really miss it from the Seminar School. The downside is, 4 am is cruel to the early riser. I was woken at 7 to go to breakfast with friends, and then got 2 hours of sleep upon returning, before I had class. I went to Calc 3, where I'm calculating the volume under oddly shaped functions, and bounded by odd shapes on the x,y plane. Apparently it's some "big deal" for later. And I was having trouble keeping my eyes open, and my mouth closed (yawn) the entire time. Afterwards, I needed to do laundry, so I fell asleep for 2 hours instead. I think I made the right choice, as I felt much better after I woke up to go to English. English 102 is primarily about analysis for my class. This week, we are analyzing Photography. Composition and Subject matter are the main points we look for. Balance of light, colors, patterns, and also the intent of the photographer as they took the photo. So we got to get into the feet of the photographers, and take pictures around campus on a sort of independent scavenger hunt, taking pictures of things such as: a pattern of squares, an insect/animal, Fall season, motion, 2 triangles in the same frame, a path leading to the distance... It was quite fun really. Of course, we have to pick our 3 favorites and send the Professor a paragraph explaining why (in analytical terms of course) we chose those 3. So it's not all fun and games. Computer Science was boring as ever, we learned about Arrays and how to use them, as well as how to use loops to make them useful. The next thing I did was skip SCI 110. I needed to get ready for the Basement, and that class is useless. So with a light heart, I speedwalked back to my dorm to get changed. I also got to avoid the socially awkward fact that somebody in my class knows I'm avoiding somebody else in that class.
So the basement opened up at 7, and the scaring was boring. No one was really impressed by any of us. We continued until 9:30 when we had our 7 minute break. After the break, things got good. People were screaming, we changed a few parts of our room, sudden bangs got people worked up, and I even got a couple screams out of people myself. It was a great time. The quotes that came out of that room were priceless as well. The line finished at about 11:30, and we got to work fixing the messed up parts of our room. We had no more foil to fix the conveyor belt, so that was put off for Tuesday. Then I peeled off my throat wound, felt like crying as I massaged my sore neck, and went to bed. No shower, I was too tired. I hope my bed didn't get too bloody, I did change out of my blood soaked clothes first.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Ok I fail
So I said the game would be in another post. But I procrastinated, which seems to be a common theme this week, and therefore forgot most of the details. One way or another, I had an awesome time yelling myself hoarse, watching a Rebel (UNLV player) superman dive, seeing at least 2 long distance dashes to the end zone, watching a football miss the net to rocket at a crowd member about 7 feet away, rushing the field, seeing someone get paramedic attention, loving the 37-0 decimation that was our team, enjoying the deep voice that comes after I can't speak anymore, and just having fun in general with my friends. It was a good day.
Monday wasn't as great as I expected, the social barrier is up again, making new friends with people in my classes though, so that's a plus. Also watched the talent show, where at least 5 people that I know brought out the sexy while playing the part of pirates. Don't ask.
Tuesday I overslept my Calc class, so I'm behind a lesson on that, not my best move. The computer science lab was nothing but getting papers back, so I had enough time to watch Devil's Rejects with friends. Disturbing, and oddly pointless movie. Then I tried to pull an all nighter and passed out at 4 am. And woke up at 7 am. Then I played the computer until I went to eat, no bacon today, I was sad. And I went to Calc at 11, where the Professor went over part of yesterdays lesson while introducing today's material. Then began the 4.5 page essay writing. I was analyzing the movie GATTACA, and exploring its theme. I had 2 hours and 40 minutes to write 4.5 pages of college level analysis of a 1 hour and 47 minute movie. I succeeded.
Then went to CS where I did the in-class part of the midterm test, didn't have a chance at the take-home section. I might get 50% on that midterm. Fully expecting to fail that class, its a freeing feeling to expect failure, I have experience with it already.
By the way, that was 3 hours of sleep last night. I've consumed 4 bottles of Mountain dew, various flavors, and am working on bottle 5 as I type. Off to Music appreciation i go! Eyes, awaken!
Monday wasn't as great as I expected, the social barrier is up again, making new friends with people in my classes though, so that's a plus. Also watched the talent show, where at least 5 people that I know brought out the sexy while playing the part of pirates. Don't ask.
Tuesday I overslept my Calc class, so I'm behind a lesson on that, not my best move. The computer science lab was nothing but getting papers back, so I had enough time to watch Devil's Rejects with friends. Disturbing, and oddly pointless movie. Then I tried to pull an all nighter and passed out at 4 am. And woke up at 7 am. Then I played the computer until I went to eat, no bacon today, I was sad. And I went to Calc at 11, where the Professor went over part of yesterdays lesson while introducing today's material. Then began the 4.5 page essay writing. I was analyzing the movie GATTACA, and exploring its theme. I had 2 hours and 40 minutes to write 4.5 pages of college level analysis of a 1 hour and 47 minute movie. I succeeded.
Then went to CS where I did the in-class part of the midterm test, didn't have a chance at the take-home section. I might get 50% on that midterm. Fully expecting to fail that class, its a freeing feeling to expect failure, I have experience with it already.
By the way, that was 3 hours of sleep last night. I've consumed 4 bottles of Mountain dew, various flavors, and am working on bottle 5 as I type. Off to Music appreciation i go! Eyes, awaken!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Speedy recap
So I woke up feeling like today would be a good day. I realized I hadn't had a nosebleed since my cold, and it had been about 2-3 weeks. At night, Sierra, Nicole, Katie, and I all camped out in the 40-50 degree night, on hard concrete, in order to wait in a 1000+ long line for tickets to the UNR-UNLV rivalry football game the coming Saturday.Kyle and Sam also joined us about 3 hours in, and Kyle and I tossed a frisbee around for about 20 minutes of it. We pulled off some cool tricks with it too. Kyle was asked by a random lady if her eyes were dilated. He always gets the weirdest people talking to him.
I woke up knowing today would be bad. I had 4 classes to attend, one of them is killing me, and 3 others have a socially awkward sense about them.
However, although I ended up blinking my way through Calc, didn't catch a thing, I managed to break the socially awkward tension though! I found a way to incorporate my ticket camping into a civil conversation! I was so happy for the entire class, and it almost bubbled over into my CS class. Almost. Although I'm sure I was very visually happy during my 1 hour break between the classes, even if no one noticed. CS finished, nothing new was learned because we have our midterm next Wednesday. SCI 110 was also simple, and I made another break in the social ice during that class, actually getting names exchanged in the process! Not that I didn't already know, but it was nice to get the basics out of the way. It was easy to talk, considering we were discussing the Calc test we had received that morning, with another member of the class. I got an 80. The average was 73, the median was 75, and some super nerd got 100, with a possible 5 extra credit. We also received our next assignment for the class, an interview for parents about their thoughts of us in college. Someone ELSES parents. Our groups were assigned, and our parents were to be contacted by said random person from the group.
Tuesday had nothing of note, I was actually awake in calc this time. didn't understand anything that was said, I was literally boggled by it. That is a true first, if I remember correctly. Afterwards I revealed that I had broken the ice to a couple people, they asked me "how it was" but it was just a conversation or two... Idunno.
Wednesday had me falling asleep in calc again, and creating a movie in English with a group of 2 others. We made a movie about a corrupt cop selling weed to pay for his Academy debts. First, he gets away from a bust. Then, his friend on the criminal side gets shot. Finally, he gets shot in a giant drug bust. Thats an example of escalating conflict, kind of like in Spiderman, when his first conflict was with a high school bully, and ends with a major final battle. CS proved to me that I'm completely lost, and I'm just bracing myself for how to explain the failure to everyone when it comes. I'm at the point where I'm considering changing my major to avoid that class requirement. No idea where I would go though.
Thursday is a blur, and I have no idea what I did that day. Honestly, I'm pulling a blank. BUT after that blur happened, I went to the Lincoln Haunted Basement meeting, my 4th one, and I'm getting very excited about it. I'm actually set up to be one of the actors IN the room I chose! It's going to be epic. After that, I emulated the creeper I always act like, and watched the performers for the talent show, first through the glass in a door, and after I got caught, I watched through the window while I stood on the balcony for a full hour. They came outside for about the last 40 minutes of my spying. Then Sierra needed help preparing for a math test, so I was forced by moral obligation to assist her.
Friday I slept until 2:30, and wasted the day on Minecraft. I honestly have no life other than that game sometimes. It's a sad fact. At least I still have my body. I'm not a fat gamer yet.
Saturday. The day of the big game. Breakfast was nothing special, they had BACON and I got first grab at the platter they put out during one of the switch outs. So I was feeling good for the morning. Then I played Minecraft while no one told me that they were going out to the Freighthouse again. So I listened to Kyle saying "get to 204 asap" at aobut 1:30 and put my camera on charge. Once I was done getting my stuff ready, I saw Kyle and Katie walking down the road in the direction of the stadium. So I panicked, grabbed my camera battery, and my jacket (I've been to enough football games in my high school, I know how it gets, and my jacket matches Nevada BLUE) and fast-walked out the door. I knew I couldn't run, it was around 65 degrees and I still break a sweat when it's hot midday. I fast-walked all the way to the stadium, and had to text them before I realized that I had caught up to them. So we waited in the line, and got to sit right in the front of the student section, where we waited for about 2 hours for the game to finally start. I will start a new post to document the game. It was that epic.
So I woke up feeling like today would be a good day. I realized I hadn't had a nosebleed since my cold, and it had been about 2-3 weeks. At night, Sierra, Nicole, Katie, and I all camped out in the 40-50 degree night, on hard concrete, in order to wait in a 1000+ long line for tickets to the UNR-UNLV rivalry football game the coming Saturday.Kyle and Sam also joined us about 3 hours in, and Kyle and I tossed a frisbee around for about 20 minutes of it. We pulled off some cool tricks with it too. Kyle was asked by a random lady if her eyes were dilated. He always gets the weirdest people talking to him.
I woke up knowing today would be bad. I had 4 classes to attend, one of them is killing me, and 3 others have a socially awkward sense about them.
However, although I ended up blinking my way through Calc, didn't catch a thing, I managed to break the socially awkward tension though! I found a way to incorporate my ticket camping into a civil conversation! I was so happy for the entire class, and it almost bubbled over into my CS class. Almost. Although I'm sure I was very visually happy during my 1 hour break between the classes, even if no one noticed. CS finished, nothing new was learned because we have our midterm next Wednesday. SCI 110 was also simple, and I made another break in the social ice during that class, actually getting names exchanged in the process! Not that I didn't already know, but it was nice to get the basics out of the way. It was easy to talk, considering we were discussing the Calc test we had received that morning, with another member of the class. I got an 80. The average was 73, the median was 75, and some super nerd got 100, with a possible 5 extra credit. We also received our next assignment for the class, an interview for parents about their thoughts of us in college. Someone ELSES parents. Our groups were assigned, and our parents were to be contacted by said random person from the group.
Tuesday had nothing of note, I was actually awake in calc this time. didn't understand anything that was said, I was literally boggled by it. That is a true first, if I remember correctly. Afterwards I revealed that I had broken the ice to a couple people, they asked me "how it was" but it was just a conversation or two... Idunno.
Wednesday had me falling asleep in calc again, and creating a movie in English with a group of 2 others. We made a movie about a corrupt cop selling weed to pay for his Academy debts. First, he gets away from a bust. Then, his friend on the criminal side gets shot. Finally, he gets shot in a giant drug bust. Thats an example of escalating conflict, kind of like in Spiderman, when his first conflict was with a high school bully, and ends with a major final battle. CS proved to me that I'm completely lost, and I'm just bracing myself for how to explain the failure to everyone when it comes. I'm at the point where I'm considering changing my major to avoid that class requirement. No idea where I would go though.
Thursday is a blur, and I have no idea what I did that day. Honestly, I'm pulling a blank. BUT after that blur happened, I went to the Lincoln Haunted Basement meeting, my 4th one, and I'm getting very excited about it. I'm actually set up to be one of the actors IN the room I chose! It's going to be epic. After that, I emulated the creeper I always act like, and watched the performers for the talent show, first through the glass in a door, and after I got caught, I watched through the window while I stood on the balcony for a full hour. They came outside for about the last 40 minutes of my spying. Then Sierra needed help preparing for a math test, so I was forced by moral obligation to assist her.
Friday I slept until 2:30, and wasted the day on Minecraft. I honestly have no life other than that game sometimes. It's a sad fact. At least I still have my body. I'm not a fat gamer yet.
Saturday. The day of the big game. Breakfast was nothing special, they had BACON and I got first grab at the platter they put out during one of the switch outs. So I was feeling good for the morning. Then I played Minecraft while no one told me that they were going out to the Freighthouse again. So I listened to Kyle saying "get to 204 asap" at aobut 1:30 and put my camera on charge. Once I was done getting my stuff ready, I saw Kyle and Katie walking down the road in the direction of the stadium. So I panicked, grabbed my camera battery, and my jacket (I've been to enough football games in my high school, I know how it gets, and my jacket matches Nevada BLUE) and fast-walked out the door. I knew I couldn't run, it was around 65 degrees and I still break a sweat when it's hot midday. I fast-walked all the way to the stadium, and had to text them before I realized that I had caught up to them. So we waited in the line, and got to sit right in the front of the student section, where we waited for about 2 hours for the game to finally start. I will start a new post to document the game. It was that epic.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Just ordinary
Started as a day like any other.
Adam woke me up because he locked himself out of our room when he showered. I proceeded to get dressed and go to breakfast. I was depressed when I saw that all the bacon was taken, then my heart was rejuvenated as one of the chefs saw my forlorn gaze, and told me that they had bacon under the heat lamp. So he grabbed a handful and made my morning loads better. Turns out Adam was there already, so I didn't even eat alone.
Calc was fun, I finally learned what partial derivatives are, and how slope works in 3D space.
The rest was average, playing minecraft until I got bored myself dousing people in lava.
And I started feeling my heartburn again, thus restarting my daily Prilosec regime. Why am I such an old man at 19? This makes no sense.
Then the fun came as I started playing Age of Empires 2 against Sam, one of my suitemates. The battles were long and arduous, but the victor was eventually
Oh wait we aren't done yet. We had to pause and eat before the cafe closed, where I am currently blogging as I munch.
I'll keep y'all posted.
What a letdown, his computer died, and he quit by default. There's always tomorrow I suppose.
Adam woke me up because he locked himself out of our room when he showered. I proceeded to get dressed and go to breakfast. I was depressed when I saw that all the bacon was taken, then my heart was rejuvenated as one of the chefs saw my forlorn gaze, and told me that they had bacon under the heat lamp. So he grabbed a handful and made my morning loads better. Turns out Adam was there already, so I didn't even eat alone.
Calc was fun, I finally learned what partial derivatives are, and how slope works in 3D space.
The rest was average, playing minecraft until I got bored myself dousing people in lava.
And I started feeling my heartburn again, thus restarting my daily Prilosec regime. Why am I such an old man at 19? This makes no sense.
Then the fun came as I started playing Age of Empires 2 against Sam, one of my suitemates. The battles were long and arduous, but the victor was eventually
Oh wait we aren't done yet. We had to pause and eat before the cafe closed, where I am currently blogging as I munch.
I'll keep y'all posted.
What a letdown, his computer died, and he quit by default. There's always tomorrow I suppose.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Trials and errors
Well, I woke up Adam with my phone at 7:30. That was funny. Then I got out of bed at 8 to eat breakfast. Nothing special happened, and I like cinnamon rolls. I got back, and started to copy my 4 pages of Calc notes into a single sided note sheet for use during the 2-chapter test this morning. And checked facebook. And email. And Minecraft forums. and Bukkit forums. And Quadfiber facebook page. And pokemon server facebook page. And Minecraft forums. And facebook. And Quadfiber facebook page. And then got the note page done 15 minutes before class, perfect timing on my part.
The test was quite simple, relative to what I expected. I just had to find the acceleration and velocity of a point in 3D space, with the equation given to me. Nothing crazy like finding the vector of acceleration to the direction of the turn, or the curvature at a particular point, also known as 1/(the radius of a similar circle that fits that curve) so it was all good. I finished 11 minutes before class was finished, and 2nd one done. Always second one done.
(Dammit Makala)
I made my way back to the dorm, and happened upon the following scene, with Nicole signaling "shhh"
And proceeded to eat lunch with Adam until I went to my Computer Science Lab.
Where I did the quiz, felt pretty good about it, got my old quiz from last week, missed one thing, but got 10/10. The lab assignment was basic logic to me, I finished it in 20 minutes. Left class to go hang out with friends and blog. One friend is still passed out on her couch from the previous photo. Nicole was to start with, but she woke up before I could snap a pic. Sarah needed help with her printer. Note: when you ask for help, try doing so after reading the directions. We proceeded to talk, Sarah left, Kyle left, and we tried to diagnose the latest string of maladies. Turns out, when I google search :lightheaded sniffles appetite loss: my first result tries to say pregnancy is the culprit. Please forgive me for not believing that 3 girls that I know are all pregnant that the exact same time, and that said pregnancy may or may not be contagious. If Adam gets pregnant, we all better watch out. We'll see how the rest of the day goes.
Ok. So after chatting with them, I go back to my room, and my mouse finally decides that, with all of its bugs up to this point, it was finally going to die. So I got to take a trip to the Student Union Building to buy a new wireless mouse. The new one is somewhat bulky, but I may grow into it. Better than nothing. How else can I play Minecraft and Halo? Ever tried shooting a grunt with a touchpad? It ain't easy.
Then I wasted time doing something i can't remember anymore.
At 8, I went to an event called "Getting the Hotties" It was hosted by my hall and its neighbor, and consisted of a Communications Professor coming and presenting her background on dating, body signals, and other information to be aware of while trying to get that special someone. It was a laugh fest, considering the immaturity of the guys sitting behind me, and after her presentation, a few upperclassmen were answering questions about relationships. They had good variety, one guy was taken for 1+ years, a guy and girl who were single, but had been in relationships, and even one gay guy who was in a relationship. I have to respect the effort made to find such variety, and in people willing to talk.
After said question period, the speed dating portion began. Naturally, half of the room vacated the premises. Only 40% of the men who were able to smirk and giggle their way through the first parts had the balls to see the night through. I was one of them.
It was awkward.
I have to say, I'm biased against speed dating to begin with, so my opinion is tainted by that choice. I'm perfectly aware of its pro's and con's. I just feel like there's a pressure to say things too fast, sometimes hearing is an issue, and cutting people off just when they start to get interesting boils my temper.
Anyhow, with my venting out of the way, I met a few people I'd seen around, a few seemed interesting, a few were awkward (mostly because of me, I don't react well to people I recognize but never talk to, especially if I do think they are cute(which is why I never talk to them to start with)) and I may see another at an event I'm participating in for the coming weeks. I doubt it will go much farther than friends though. Sorry, but it's just what I see. Who knows, maybe she's the love of my life, my soul mate, and I'm just a douche for making fun of it all and I hate my attitude sometimes. Urgh.That was a run-on sentence that reflected my rapidly changing judgmental reaction to my own sentence.
Anyhow, it was a stressful experience, probably due to my inexperience dating to begin with. Better to be inexperienced at speed dating than be good at it via a lot of experience though. Think about it.
And I stole 5 Reeses mini peanut butter cups. I love peanut butter and chocolate.
The test was quite simple, relative to what I expected. I just had to find the acceleration and velocity of a point in 3D space, with the equation given to me. Nothing crazy like finding the vector of acceleration to the direction of the turn, or the curvature at a particular point, also known as 1/(the radius of a similar circle that fits that curve) so it was all good. I finished 11 minutes before class was finished, and 2nd one done. Always second one done.
(Dammit Makala)
I made my way back to the dorm, and happened upon the following scene, with Nicole signaling "shhh"
And proceeded to eat lunch with Adam until I went to my Computer Science Lab.
Where I did the quiz, felt pretty good about it, got my old quiz from last week, missed one thing, but got 10/10. The lab assignment was basic logic to me, I finished it in 20 minutes. Left class to go hang out with friends and blog. One friend is still passed out on her couch from the previous photo. Nicole was to start with, but she woke up before I could snap a pic. Sarah needed help with her printer. Note: when you ask for help, try doing so after reading the directions. We proceeded to talk, Sarah left, Kyle left, and we tried to diagnose the latest string of maladies. Turns out, when I google search :lightheaded sniffles appetite loss: my first result tries to say pregnancy is the culprit. Please forgive me for not believing that 3 girls that I know are all pregnant that the exact same time, and that said pregnancy may or may not be contagious. If Adam gets pregnant, we all better watch out. We'll see how the rest of the day goes.
Ok. So after chatting with them, I go back to my room, and my mouse finally decides that, with all of its bugs up to this point, it was finally going to die. So I got to take a trip to the Student Union Building to buy a new wireless mouse. The new one is somewhat bulky, but I may grow into it. Better than nothing. How else can I play Minecraft and Halo? Ever tried shooting a grunt with a touchpad? It ain't easy.
Then I wasted time doing something i can't remember anymore.
At 8, I went to an event called "Getting the Hotties" It was hosted by my hall and its neighbor, and consisted of a Communications Professor coming and presenting her background on dating, body signals, and other information to be aware of while trying to get that special someone. It was a laugh fest, considering the immaturity of the guys sitting behind me, and after her presentation, a few upperclassmen were answering questions about relationships. They had good variety, one guy was taken for 1+ years, a guy and girl who were single, but had been in relationships, and even one gay guy who was in a relationship. I have to respect the effort made to find such variety, and in people willing to talk.
After said question period, the speed dating portion began. Naturally, half of the room vacated the premises. Only 40% of the men who were able to smirk and giggle their way through the first parts had the balls to see the night through. I was one of them.
It was awkward.
I have to say, I'm biased against speed dating to begin with, so my opinion is tainted by that choice. I'm perfectly aware of its pro's and con's. I just feel like there's a pressure to say things too fast, sometimes hearing is an issue, and cutting people off just when they start to get interesting boils my temper.
Anyhow, with my venting out of the way, I met a few people I'd seen around, a few seemed interesting, a few were awkward (mostly because of me, I don't react well to people I recognize but never talk to, especially if I do think they are cute(which is why I never talk to them to start with)) and I may see another at an event I'm participating in for the coming weeks. I doubt it will go much farther than friends though. Sorry, but it's just what I see. Who knows, maybe she's the love of my life, my soul mate, and I'm just a douche for making fun of it all and I hate my attitude sometimes. Urgh.That was a run-on sentence that reflected my rapidly changing judgmental reaction to my own sentence.
Anyhow, it was a stressful experience, probably due to my inexperience dating to begin with. Better to be inexperienced at speed dating than be good at it via a lot of experience though. Think about it.
And I stole 5 Reeses mini peanut butter cups. I love peanut butter and chocolate.
Monday, September 19, 2011
What a waste
I think I only left my dorm room once for reasons other than bathroom or food this past weekend. That's pretty impressive. All I did was build on minecraft. I ate breakfast on Saturday, used the bathroom maybe three times, and went to sleep. Had a difficult time falling asleep too for some reason. I was tired as nothing else at 9, decided to go to bed at 10, and stayed in bed wondering why I was still awake until 12, when I took Nyquil and turned the light off, listened to everyone leave the living room, and then lay in bed until 1 when I gave up and pulled my laptop up again. So I was on that until 1:30 when Adam came in and we both went to sleep.
Sunday was pretty much the same, but I didn't get up until 2. I went to eat a couple grilled cheese sandwiches from the over-priced store (the cafe was closed until 4:30) and went back to my room to build again. Did nothing else until about 6, when I passed out until 8. Apparently this is when some people left, and I had no idea.
So I went over to suite 204 looking for people to make sure I wasn't in the twilight zone, and found a few friends there. They explained where certain people went, and I settled in to talk with them. A short and important crisis later, and I rejoined them. Then I grabbed my laptop for Kyle to try and use, and decided 2 meals wasn't enough for a full weekend. So I went with Sam and one of his friends back to the over-priced store, and got more sandwiches. We headed back, my laptop wasn't smart enough, but Kyle got his own to start working instead. Apparently I'm some kind of technological good luck charm. The other got back from their excursion, and we all talked until we got tired. It's sad that most of that passage occurred in less than 5 hours.
Sunday was pretty much the same, but I didn't get up until 2. I went to eat a couple grilled cheese sandwiches from the over-priced store (the cafe was closed until 4:30) and went back to my room to build again. Did nothing else until about 6, when I passed out until 8. Apparently this is when some people left, and I had no idea.
So I went over to suite 204 looking for people to make sure I wasn't in the twilight zone, and found a few friends there. They explained where certain people went, and I settled in to talk with them. A short and important crisis later, and I rejoined them. Then I grabbed my laptop for Kyle to try and use, and decided 2 meals wasn't enough for a full weekend. So I went with Sam and one of his friends back to the over-priced store, and got more sandwiches. We headed back, my laptop wasn't smart enough, but Kyle got his own to start working instead. Apparently I'm some kind of technological good luck charm. The other got back from their excursion, and we all talked until we got tired. It's sad that most of that passage occurred in less than 5 hours.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Busy busy
Wednesday's suck for me, full schedule and all.
I ate breakfast alone again, and the worst thing is, they start continental (sucky) breakfast at 9:30 which is way too early. So by the time I got to the cafe, they had no more bacon and I was too late so they weren't putting any more on the serving tray. I was angry.
Calc was fun I guess, arc length in 3 dimensions isn't very different than in 2.
I then proceeded to type 2.25 pages of Music analysis in 2.5 hours. Analyzing Lady Gaga's "Judas" and Madonna's "Like A Prayer" and their respective themes. It was supposed to be 3 pages, but hey. I did my best, and it's only 8% of my total grade for the class. I felt bad though, we we paired up, and judged 10 aspects of our partners essay, and wrote it down. I only noticed a few grammatical issues on the first guy. We were then repaired, (haha) and my group had one extra. One of the girls was really in a bad state.
She told us she was dyslexic, and therefore wrote her entire essay on the Wrong pair of songs. We were given a choice of about 20 pairs. She read one by Lady Gaga, but it was in a different set. So when she found another song by Lady Gaga, she mixed them up. She intended to pick the same set as I did, but instead compared "Born This Way" and "Like A Prayer." We could tell she was near tears, she completely expected an F for the mix up, and was just ready to explode. I didn't say anything when she didn't read my essay, I understood her position and emotions at the time, I wasn't going to press her harder.
Computer Science went smoothly enough, I actually used my computer to take notes, and participated in the discussion as I was able to test theories as I thought them up. I had fun. Don't know if I learned anything though, my grade is still horrific.
A break long enough to eat, and then some Minecraft BS.
Then I DIDN'T oversleep my Music Appreciation class! I got to learn about what a trombone is, what a trumpet is, and what percussion is from very kind volunteers who came in to inform us for the first 45 minutes. I felt very knowledgeable after that. Like I learned a ton. Totally. Like I didn't learn it in 5th grade. Hm.
We then got to learn about vibrato, I can't spell it that well (spellcheck fixed that one) and listened to 4 songs using varying amounts of it. You may see a facebook post about my short exposure to opera, a genre that I could live quite happily without.
Afterwards, I informed the Professor of my absence last week, she told me it was fine. I then told her that I had 9 years of music experience, and she noticed that I was usually the one to speak up when most of the class was unsure of an answer. She then asked if I'd be willing to perform for the class, for 20 extra credit points.
That's a dilemma. I need the points. I hate performing. I have no music. It's just for 3 minutes. The internet has music. I hate performing. My mouth gets dry. My tone sucks when my mouth is dry. I haven't touched my trombone for too long. I haven't been exercising to keep up my breathing. She seemed really excited for me to play. I hate performing. Did I mention that?
So I told her I'd look for music online, and found a 25 measure long clip from Jupiter, a song I know quite well by now. Waiting for the email on her opinion of it. We shall see. My dorm door may be closed for quite a while as I hate practicing, especially when people can hear me. I never practiced. A short warm up is all I ever needed for 8 years. I Hate Practicing. Hate it.
So now I'm teaching Adam how to use my supercool Ti-89 so he can do his Calc 2 like a mining engineer. Should've been a bad-ass Math Major like me.
I ate breakfast alone again, and the worst thing is, they start continental (sucky) breakfast at 9:30 which is way too early. So by the time I got to the cafe, they had no more bacon and I was too late so they weren't putting any more on the serving tray. I was angry.
Calc was fun I guess, arc length in 3 dimensions isn't very different than in 2.
I then proceeded to type 2.25 pages of Music analysis in 2.5 hours. Analyzing Lady Gaga's "Judas" and Madonna's "Like A Prayer" and their respective themes. It was supposed to be 3 pages, but hey. I did my best, and it's only 8% of my total grade for the class. I felt bad though, we we paired up, and judged 10 aspects of our partners essay, and wrote it down. I only noticed a few grammatical issues on the first guy. We were then repaired, (haha) and my group had one extra. One of the girls was really in a bad state.
She told us she was dyslexic, and therefore wrote her entire essay on the Wrong pair of songs. We were given a choice of about 20 pairs. She read one by Lady Gaga, but it was in a different set. So when she found another song by Lady Gaga, she mixed them up. She intended to pick the same set as I did, but instead compared "Born This Way" and "Like A Prayer." We could tell she was near tears, she completely expected an F for the mix up, and was just ready to explode. I didn't say anything when she didn't read my essay, I understood her position and emotions at the time, I wasn't going to press her harder.
Computer Science went smoothly enough, I actually used my computer to take notes, and participated in the discussion as I was able to test theories as I thought them up. I had fun. Don't know if I learned anything though, my grade is still horrific.
A break long enough to eat, and then some Minecraft BS.
Then I DIDN'T oversleep my Music Appreciation class! I got to learn about what a trombone is, what a trumpet is, and what percussion is from very kind volunteers who came in to inform us for the first 45 minutes. I felt very knowledgeable after that. Like I learned a ton. Totally. Like I didn't learn it in 5th grade. Hm.
We then got to learn about vibrato, I can't spell it that well (spellcheck fixed that one) and listened to 4 songs using varying amounts of it. You may see a facebook post about my short exposure to opera, a genre that I could live quite happily without.
Afterwards, I informed the Professor of my absence last week, she told me it was fine. I then told her that I had 9 years of music experience, and she noticed that I was usually the one to speak up when most of the class was unsure of an answer. She then asked if I'd be willing to perform for the class, for 20 extra credit points.
That's a dilemma. I need the points. I hate performing. I have no music. It's just for 3 minutes. The internet has music. I hate performing. My mouth gets dry. My tone sucks when my mouth is dry. I haven't touched my trombone for too long. I haven't been exercising to keep up my breathing. She seemed really excited for me to play. I hate performing. Did I mention that?
So I told her I'd look for music online, and found a 25 measure long clip from Jupiter, a song I know quite well by now. Waiting for the email on her opinion of it. We shall see. My dorm door may be closed for quite a while as I hate practicing, especially when people can hear me. I never practiced. A short warm up is all I ever needed for 8 years. I Hate Practicing. Hate it.
So now I'm teaching Adam how to use my supercool Ti-89 so he can do his Calc 2 like a mining engineer. Should've been a bad-ass Math Major like me.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Another Day Down
Monday arrives, I have 4 classes, so I knew I'd be busy. Not to mention I'm never looking forward to Mondays now, for different reasons.
We actually got to do calculus in my Calc class, so I was happy. I can now derive vectors. No idea how this will help me yet, but hey, it's a start.
During my 2.5 hour break, I took a nap, took a shower, and took another nap. Then I wrote a "Thank You" letter that was required for my SCI 110 class.
English had us walk over to the Church Fine Arts Building, where we got to analyze a chosen work of art, out of a gallery of 14 professional pieces that were there for the moment. We only had to write one page, within the hour and a quarter we had. The teacher was accepting people turning it in early, and he would give them helpful comments on how to make the thesis better, remove useless sentences, etc. So naturally, I felt like I was being judged for all my sins as I walked up to him to submit my work. I felt doubly like an idiot when I looked at other students and realized I was in a minority of people that double spaced my whole page. Mercifully, he approved of the paper, and let me turn it in without revision. I was extremely relieved, and was out of breath all the way back to the dorms from the pressure that had been removed from my mind. I obviously don't like being judged. On the bright side, I got out 30 minutes early and walked back to the dorm to relax for a little time.
On my way over to the Davidson Math Building, I noticed something I found amusing, and thanked my lucky stars I made it to college, and wondered what else I would find myself shooting pictures of during my time here.
Yes he is on CAUTION tape, and tightrope walking.
Computer Science is continuing to puzzle me, as we got into math functions in Programming, and a new function called the Modulus (if I remember correctly).
SCI 110 was boring as ever, I honestly feel like I'm in high school when I enter that class with the minority of intelligent beings that have it with me. I'm starting to make a dent as "the smart one" when I responded to someone asking if (if you don't know calc don't try to get this) the integral of sec(x) was sec(x)tan(x) or not. His friends were clueless, so I spoke up and told him it was the derivative. Then I responded to another brainiac's question of "what is 1+1?" with the well known (to me) answer of a window. I overheard someone say "he's too smart." Then we got into groups of 2, and I bored myself with answering a clicker quiz with my partner. I don't know my major very well, but hey, I never professed to. At least I answered all the questions that were answered in the class so far correctly.
I went "home," went to eat, then went and did all my 7 calc problems for homework in about 40 minutes. It's funny, now that I'm doing calc in calc class, I actually can do the problems faster in my head. I was amused. And for once, not throwing a temper tantrum as I worked. It helped I was alone and no friends were distracting me.
Until I joined them after I was done, and they started watching Charlie St Cloud. I may have opted to stay with them, but they apparently thought I was being too noisy as I was searching (without speaking) on my phone for something to show them. So I went back to my room and wrote this all out. Don't know what I'll do with all this time without them.
We actually got to do calculus in my Calc class, so I was happy. I can now derive vectors. No idea how this will help me yet, but hey, it's a start.
During my 2.5 hour break, I took a nap, took a shower, and took another nap. Then I wrote a "Thank You" letter that was required for my SCI 110 class.
English had us walk over to the Church Fine Arts Building, where we got to analyze a chosen work of art, out of a gallery of 14 professional pieces that were there for the moment. We only had to write one page, within the hour and a quarter we had. The teacher was accepting people turning it in early, and he would give them helpful comments on how to make the thesis better, remove useless sentences, etc. So naturally, I felt like I was being judged for all my sins as I walked up to him to submit my work. I felt doubly like an idiot when I looked at other students and realized I was in a minority of people that double spaced my whole page. Mercifully, he approved of the paper, and let me turn it in without revision. I was extremely relieved, and was out of breath all the way back to the dorms from the pressure that had been removed from my mind. I obviously don't like being judged. On the bright side, I got out 30 minutes early and walked back to the dorm to relax for a little time.
On my way over to the Davidson Math Building, I noticed something I found amusing, and thanked my lucky stars I made it to college, and wondered what else I would find myself shooting pictures of during my time here.
Yes he is on CAUTION tape, and tightrope walking.
Computer Science is continuing to puzzle me, as we got into math functions in Programming, and a new function called the Modulus (if I remember correctly).
SCI 110 was boring as ever, I honestly feel like I'm in high school when I enter that class with the minority of intelligent beings that have it with me. I'm starting to make a dent as "the smart one" when I responded to someone asking if (if you don't know calc don't try to get this) the integral of sec(x) was sec(x)tan(x) or not. His friends were clueless, so I spoke up and told him it was the derivative. Then I responded to another brainiac's question of "what is 1+1?" with the well known (to me) answer of a window. I overheard someone say "he's too smart." Then we got into groups of 2, and I bored myself with answering a clicker quiz with my partner. I don't know my major very well, but hey, I never professed to. At least I answered all the questions that were answered in the class so far correctly.
I went "home," went to eat, then went and did all my 7 calc problems for homework in about 40 minutes. It's funny, now that I'm doing calc in calc class, I actually can do the problems faster in my head. I was amused. And for once, not throwing a temper tantrum as I worked. It helped I was alone and no friends were distracting me.
Until I joined them after I was done, and they started watching Charlie St Cloud. I may have opted to stay with them, but they apparently thought I was being too noisy as I was searching (without speaking) on my phone for something to show them. So I went back to my room and wrote this all out. Don't know what I'll do with all this time without them.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Got up at 7 so I could write that English thing I mentioned before. Had a bloody nose. Went to eat. Can you tell how much I'm starting to not care about this.
However, I did manage to finish the essay, and actually OVER wrote my goal of one page. Not sure how the professor will take that. I hope I wrote it well enough for him to at least make it all the way through without judging me.
I guess I can let y'all judge me yourselves if you feel like it too.
Here it is! :-P
Now I just need to read my butt off if I'm going to be ready for Computer Science (lecture) in time.
I went to Calc, and thanked my lucky stars that I have a smarter mind in the mornings. Everything that made no sense last night when I was doing homework was crystal clear (cliché) in class.
After rushing back to the dorm, I gathered the crap together and got my clothes into the washer and dryer while wearing my jacket (in Nevada, imagine that) since I had no clean shirts except my formal ones. Just listening to music and wasting time/battery on my laptop.
Then Nicole and Katie joined the boredom and were bored themselves while trying to act entertained by us being boring. I just used 3 forms of the word bore in one sentence. That's how bad it is down here.
English was cool, I got grouped with a couple of non-academic (insert noun here) that had no idea how to analyze themselves, forget popular culture. Half the groups were sent to the lab to pick a song, and write a thesis about what the theme of the song was. I think my mind was only piqued once, when I heard another group choose Concrete Angel, I recalled analyzing that song ages ago, but can't remember when exactly.
My intellectual partners decided to choose 9AM in Dallas, by Drake. Forget analyzing it, I had trouble understanding what he was saying to begin with.
Computer Science actually helped me though, he went over things that were actually relevant finally, like the order to use when setting up a program initially, in addition to examples of Header Files, Global Constants, and Variables that could be defined in a program in general.
I could feel my eyes losing focus, so I knew I had to sleep, but I also knew that if I didn't eat soon, the cafe would close by the time my last class was over. So my stomach won out, and I had a good dinner by my lonesome. I didn't mind, it tasted good. I left, and went to nap the rest of the time until 6:50, when I would walk the 50 feet to my next class at 7.
That was the plan. I ended up passing out until Adam turned on the light at 7:40. I then proceeded to hate my lack of preparation, and question my place in college at all. We'll see how far I get with this work ethic in the end.
A short trip to Nye Hall to say hi to Sierra with Adam, Katie and Nicole (we stayed like 3 minutes) and we returned to our room to do nothing but talk, blog, and do homework. I'll get to calc soon.
On an unrelated note, tomorrow is the big day. Last day to pay for classes (with late fees). And the (supposed) date of my student loan from Citi Bank. Not that I'm nervous at all.
However, I did manage to finish the essay, and actually OVER wrote my goal of one page. Not sure how the professor will take that. I hope I wrote it well enough for him to at least make it all the way through without judging me.
I guess I can let y'all judge me yourselves if you feel like it too.
Here it is! :-P
Now I just need to read my butt off if I'm going to be ready for Computer Science (lecture) in time.
I went to Calc, and thanked my lucky stars that I have a smarter mind in the mornings. Everything that made no sense last night when I was doing homework was crystal clear (cliché) in class.
After rushing back to the dorm, I gathered the crap together and got my clothes into the washer and dryer while wearing my jacket (in Nevada, imagine that) since I had no clean shirts except my formal ones. Just listening to music and wasting time/battery on my laptop.
Then Nicole and Katie joined the boredom and were bored themselves while trying to act entertained by us being boring. I just used 3 forms of the word bore in one sentence. That's how bad it is down here.
English was cool, I got grouped with a couple of non-academic (insert noun here) that had no idea how to analyze themselves, forget popular culture. Half the groups were sent to the lab to pick a song, and write a thesis about what the theme of the song was. I think my mind was only piqued once, when I heard another group choose Concrete Angel, I recalled analyzing that song ages ago, but can't remember when exactly.
My intellectual partners decided to choose 9AM in Dallas, by Drake. Forget analyzing it, I had trouble understanding what he was saying to begin with.
Computer Science actually helped me though, he went over things that were actually relevant finally, like the order to use when setting up a program initially, in addition to examples of Header Files, Global Constants, and Variables that could be defined in a program in general.
I could feel my eyes losing focus, so I knew I had to sleep, but I also knew that if I didn't eat soon, the cafe would close by the time my last class was over. So my stomach won out, and I had a good dinner by my lonesome. I didn't mind, it tasted good. I left, and went to nap the rest of the time until 6:50, when I would walk the 50 feet to my next class at 7.
That was the plan. I ended up passing out until Adam turned on the light at 7:40. I then proceeded to hate my lack of preparation, and question my place in college at all. We'll see how far I get with this work ethic in the end.
A short trip to Nye Hall to say hi to Sierra with Adam, Katie and Nicole (we stayed like 3 minutes) and we returned to our room to do nothing but talk, blog, and do homework. I'll get to calc soon.
On an unrelated note, tomorrow is the big day. Last day to pay for classes (with late fees). And the (supposed) date of my student loan from Citi Bank. Not that I'm nervous at all.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Frikken Ouch
The weekend was too long to document completely, so I'm starting with my school days instead. I know how boring it may seem, but if you read this, you really can do better anyway.
Woke up to realize I have no clean clothes except my "good" shirts and one pair of socks left. I really need to get onto that laundry thing. I then made that one pair of socks no longer clean by stepping on a thorn that proceeded to make my heel bleed onto said sock. Not like I already have a blister on my foot from all the walking, I have to have a puncture on it as well. My right foot couldn't care less.
Calc 3 was predictable, just more math stuff, lines in 3D space and the equation for a plane. Sitting in the front can really be disturbing when the professor won't stop looking in your direction. (The vector of your eyesight needs to add a few coefficients to its Y value...) LOOK HIGHER! You're freaking me out!
I then walked over to the CS lab building where I wrote this portion and looked up where the AB building is so I can continue to be a math nerd at 2:30. There's some Math Colloquium thing today, and if I'm going to major in it, I might as well get as much experience as possible? And this is a weekly thing too, as I heard on my second day here.
No one showed up to the room they had listed. So I went back to the dorm and wasted my life away. Slowly.... Dying.... Of..... Boredom............................ Bleh.
On the bright side, company was provided by my new friends, so my life wasn't deteriorating completely alone. We were also on the receiving end of an appeal for votes in some Dorm Council thing (that I'm obviously-not-paying close attention to) by a Freshman who was almost convinced when I sarcastically talked about my pet penguin going to school in Alaska with me... In addition to the bamboozled look when she asked out majors and my response (after I said math 2 or 3 times) was 1+1=3. Then I repeated math for the 3rd time to her relief.
I went to dinner at the cafe, then went back to my dorm so I could pick up my wallet in order to actually eat at said cafe...
After that was a trip to walmart, I bought Fruit Gushers for the nostalgia factor, and then had a realization that I miss a lot more than I thought when it comes to the goings-on on our dorm floor... That does not make for a happy Jeremy. I like to know things when they happen... Grr. Frustration.
Oh well. maybe I'll get clothes done before class tomorrow. Maybe not. I procrastinate so badly, I'll just have to let you know later.
Woke up to realize I have no clean clothes except my "good" shirts and one pair of socks left. I really need to get onto that laundry thing. I then made that one pair of socks no longer clean by stepping on a thorn that proceeded to make my heel bleed onto said sock. Not like I already have a blister on my foot from all the walking, I have to have a puncture on it as well. My right foot couldn't care less.
Calc 3 was predictable, just more math stuff, lines in 3D space and the equation for a plane. Sitting in the front can really be disturbing when the professor won't stop looking in your direction. (The vector of your eyesight needs to add a few coefficients to its Y value...) LOOK HIGHER! You're freaking me out!
I then walked over to the CS lab building where I wrote this portion and looked up where the AB building is so I can continue to be a math nerd at 2:30. There's some Math Colloquium thing today, and if I'm going to major in it, I might as well get as much experience as possible? And this is a weekly thing too, as I heard on my second day here.
No one showed up to the room they had listed. So I went back to the dorm and wasted my life away. Slowly.... Dying.... Of..... Boredom............................ Bleh.
On the bright side, company was provided by my new friends, so my life wasn't deteriorating completely alone. We were also on the receiving end of an appeal for votes in some Dorm Council thing (that I'm obviously-not-paying close attention to) by a Freshman who was almost convinced when I sarcastically talked about my pet penguin going to school in Alaska with me... In addition to the bamboozled look when she asked out majors and my response (after I said math 2 or 3 times) was 1+1=3. Then I repeated math for the 3rd time to her relief.
I went to dinner at the cafe, then went back to my dorm so I could pick up my wallet in order to actually eat at said cafe...
After that was a trip to walmart, I bought Fruit Gushers for the nostalgia factor, and then had a realization that I miss a lot more than I thought when it comes to the goings-on on our dorm floor... That does not make for a happy Jeremy. I like to know things when they happen... Grr. Frustration.
Oh well. maybe I'll get clothes done before class tomorrow. Maybe not. I procrastinate so badly, I'll just have to let you know later.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
So multiple people hate me or are jealous of me due to my completely free Friday.
Thursday night was great, Kyle (Lucky Charms) brought a bunch of us out to his dad's restaurant, and 4/7 of us got free meals out of it. The best parts consisted of Kyle trying not to swear, and a microscopic spider taking a swim in freshly squeezed orange juice.
Friday was good until 11, when I woke up to Adam getting back from class. Then it just became ok, when a bunch of us went to lunch, and I took a trip to Walgreens, about half a mile south of campus.
Follow it up with a dash of drama, a splash of Counter-Strike: Source, ( I thought I was doing well, then was informed that I was playing against robots) and of course, no day would be complete without some deep thinking about this, that, and everything else relevant to my life and intentions. Of course, I didn't get anywhere either.
Nothing memorable happened until late at night, when Sierra, Nicole, Kyle and I went to the Freight House for some delicious pizza and water (because Dr. Pepper is the closest thing they had to lemonade, don't ask me)
We had a great time laughing at the crowd, bouncing in chairs, and just having fun in general. We also had WAY too much food.
This is before.
Below is after. (My personal favorite photo of the night.)
We obviously didn't finish it all.
So with full stomachs and deaf ears, we went back to the dorm and watched The Goonies, which I consider a classic, and a must see in general. We all crammed onto Kyles mattress in the middle of the living room so we could be comfortable in a huddle.
Afterwards, the ladies decided it wasn't worth the effort of walking 2 rooms down at 2 in the morning to go to bed, and proceeded to crash on that same mattress, and in the process hijacked my pillow and blanket that I had so graciously lent to them for their comfort beforehand.
Apparently, the lack of a pillow made my sleeping form similar to that of a vampire, as I was notified in the morning by a couple of creepy girls that had peeked in before Adam and I woke up.
Thursday night was great, Kyle (Lucky Charms) brought a bunch of us out to his dad's restaurant, and 4/7 of us got free meals out of it. The best parts consisted of Kyle trying not to swear, and a microscopic spider taking a swim in freshly squeezed orange juice.
Friday was good until 11, when I woke up to Adam getting back from class. Then it just became ok, when a bunch of us went to lunch, and I took a trip to Walgreens, about half a mile south of campus.
Follow it up with a dash of drama, a splash of Counter-Strike: Source, ( I thought I was doing well, then was informed that I was playing against robots) and of course, no day would be complete without some deep thinking about this, that, and everything else relevant to my life and intentions. Of course, I didn't get anywhere either.
Nothing memorable happened until late at night, when Sierra, Nicole, Kyle and I went to the Freight House for some delicious pizza and water (because Dr. Pepper is the closest thing they had to lemonade, don't ask me)
We had a great time laughing at the crowd, bouncing in chairs, and just having fun in general. We also had WAY too much food.
This is before.
Below is after. (My personal favorite photo of the night.)
We obviously didn't finish it all.
So with full stomachs and deaf ears, we went back to the dorm and watched The Goonies, which I consider a classic, and a must see in general. We all crammed onto Kyles mattress in the middle of the living room so we could be comfortable in a huddle.
Afterwards, the ladies decided it wasn't worth the effort of walking 2 rooms down at 2 in the morning to go to bed, and proceeded to crash on that same mattress, and in the process hijacked my pillow and blanket that I had so graciously lent to them for their comfort beforehand.
Apparently, the lack of a pillow made my sleeping form similar to that of a vampire, as I was notified in the morning by a couple of creepy girls that had peeked in before Adam and I woke up.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Short and sweet
Thursdays are looking like they'll be my best days, considering I only have one class, Calc 3, for 50 minutes.
Woke up at 9, had plenty of time to get up, and worked on the minecraft server. That's not interesting at all. If it helps any, I made absolutely no progress on it.
Went to Calc, I'm pretty sure the professor recognizes my face by now, considering I've sat in the front for all 4 days, as well as speaking up and asking things. I think it's a step in the right direction for the year.
So I just have to find some way to burn the rest of the day away without feeling like it was a complete waste, as well as trying to find a suitable replacement for my Philosophy credits.
I got my PO Box finally.
PO Box 8311 Reno NV, 89507
is my new address. I know how much you all want to send me stuff, so now you are completely able. Although the walk is so long, I doubt I'll be checking it more than once a week.
I also had fun learning how to print in the main library, and getting my schedule posted in our living room so people aren't wondering where I am at random times of the day and/or thinking I'm dead. Hopefully the rest of the suite follows suit.
Woke up at 9, had plenty of time to get up, and worked on the minecraft server. That's not interesting at all. If it helps any, I made absolutely no progress on it.
Went to Calc, I'm pretty sure the professor recognizes my face by now, considering I've sat in the front for all 4 days, as well as speaking up and asking things. I think it's a step in the right direction for the year.
So I just have to find some way to burn the rest of the day away without feeling like it was a complete waste, as well as trying to find a suitable replacement for my Philosophy credits.
I got my PO Box finally.
PO Box 8311 Reno NV, 89507
is my new address. I know how much you all want to send me stuff, so now you are completely able. Although the walk is so long, I doubt I'll be checking it more than once a week.
I also had fun learning how to print in the main library, and getting my schedule posted in our living room so people aren't wondering where I am at random times of the day and/or thinking I'm dead. Hopefully the rest of the suite follows suit.
Wake up in the morning....
Not that I'm any famous singer, but I've been coming up with parodies to songs that fit my situation this morning. I'll use the clean version and say that my nose just didn't agree with the dry weather for the fourth time, and decided to wake me up at 5 because of said disagreement. This Alaskan may be investing in a humidifier very soon.
Breakfast was "continental" but our food swipes refresh tonight, so I figured, why not? I think I picked the right meal plan so far, considering I'll probably be skipping lunch all 4 of my school days. As I got back to my dorm to pick up my laptop and other class objects, I realized how a box of kleenex on my bed must have looked to Adam, who had no idea of what had transpired before he left for class.
With that in mind, I walked down to the Calc classroom (which is located in the School of Nursing Building), saw 2 girls wearing Delta Delta Delta shirts, and tried not to laugh out loud as I recalled last night's time with the suite 204 girls (and Sierra, who lives in Nye Hall, but "lives" over with us whenever she can). I don't know my position on Greek life. My first thought would understand a desire to belong, to help the community, and pride in being accepted into a house, but the other part is busy judging stereotypes and knowing that no one needs someone else to help them help others, in addition to cringing at the initial financial burden, should one be accepted. But, a couple of the girls are considering it, and I have to respect them regardless, simply because I know their motivations already. All I can do is hope they don't fold to pressures and fall into the stereotype we all know and love from Hollywood. I have faith.
Well, I shouldn't write my notes in my calculator anymore. When PERP If UV=0 shows up, as well as PROJeU=(Ue/LEN(e))(e/LEN(e))
Something is wrong.
But on the bright side, I got to go outside for English 102. We got into groups of 3, and interviewed 2 random people out on campus about their positions on Pop Culture. Now I just have to crack down on the 2 questions I have to answer before next class: What do I think the current cultural climate is, and what is my musical upbringing like? Should be fun, I have plenty of ideas.
So a hop over to the math building brought me to CS, which involved a speech about Bits, Bytes, Hexadecimal, Octal, Decimal, Binary, Words, and a very short presentation about how to actually set up a program "skeleton" so that it is ready to start being used. I get the feeling the next weeks will be more in depth, and I may actually have to start paying attention eventually. I hope so. That lecture was basically a repeat of everything my brother has told me, in addition to common sense. "A Bit has 2 states." "There are 8 Bits in a Byte" zzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.................... Oh are we programming now?
So that was a good time. I'm dropping Philosophy.I don't need a bad class to tell me how to love thinking.
Getting ready for Music Appreciation, my 2.75 hour class once per week at 7, by listening to music. I know how original I am.
So Music Appreciation was like 5th grade band all over again. Sorry Prof, but I know what Dynamics are, and I don't need to snooze through 165 minutes of technical music jargon all over again to be educated and appreciate music better. Didn't help that these dimwitted girls were blabbing next to me the whole time. Well, until we had a 5 minute break. They didn't come back from said break.
After THAT was over, I nearly died about 4 times in quick succession on a trip to walmart with Nicole, Katie, Sierra, Jack, Sam, and Kyle, in Kyle's 6 seater vehicle. Count those names carefully and tell me what's wrong with this picture.
So aside from that, Kyle almost ran off the road while watching a street fight, then bumped a curb with a shopping cart while I was riding the front, almost ran my ankles off when I jumped back on it, and ran-RAN a red light like he was cruising on a side road. I am NEVER complaining about Adam driving slowly again. I'd rather survive slowly than die quickly as paste in the road.
Finished the night off by labeling us all with cereal names. I'm apparently Fruit Loops due to my scary gay voice. Apple Jacks is taken by one of the R.A's downstairs. Sierra is Special K. Katie is Reeses Pieces. Nicole was just named Frosted Flakes. Adam earned the rank of Capn Crunch. Sam (obviously) is Cocoa Puffs. Kyle, due to his knack for staying alive in impossible circumstances, has been dubbed Lucky Charms.
Good Night folks.
Breakfast was "continental" but our food swipes refresh tonight, so I figured, why not? I think I picked the right meal plan so far, considering I'll probably be skipping lunch all 4 of my school days. As I got back to my dorm to pick up my laptop and other class objects, I realized how a box of kleenex on my bed must have looked to Adam, who had no idea of what had transpired before he left for class.
With that in mind, I walked down to the Calc classroom (which is located in the School of Nursing Building), saw 2 girls wearing Delta Delta Delta shirts, and tried not to laugh out loud as I recalled last night's time with the suite 204 girls (and Sierra, who lives in Nye Hall, but "lives" over with us whenever she can). I don't know my position on Greek life. My first thought would understand a desire to belong, to help the community, and pride in being accepted into a house, but the other part is busy judging stereotypes and knowing that no one needs someone else to help them help others, in addition to cringing at the initial financial burden, should one be accepted. But, a couple of the girls are considering it, and I have to respect them regardless, simply because I know their motivations already. All I can do is hope they don't fold to pressures and fall into the stereotype we all know and love from Hollywood. I have faith.
Well, I shouldn't write my notes in my calculator anymore. When PERP If UV=0 shows up, as well as PROJeU=(Ue/LEN(e))(e/LEN(e))
Something is wrong.
But on the bright side, I got to go outside for English 102. We got into groups of 3, and interviewed 2 random people out on campus about their positions on Pop Culture. Now I just have to crack down on the 2 questions I have to answer before next class: What do I think the current cultural climate is, and what is my musical upbringing like? Should be fun, I have plenty of ideas.
So a hop over to the math building brought me to CS, which involved a speech about Bits, Bytes, Hexadecimal, Octal, Decimal, Binary, Words, and a very short presentation about how to actually set up a program "skeleton" so that it is ready to start being used. I get the feeling the next weeks will be more in depth, and I may actually have to start paying attention eventually. I hope so. That lecture was basically a repeat of everything my brother has told me, in addition to common sense. "A Bit has 2 states." "There are 8 Bits in a Byte" zzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.................... Oh are we programming now?
So that was a good time. I'm dropping Philosophy.I don't need a bad class to tell me how to love thinking.
Getting ready for Music Appreciation, my 2.75 hour class once per week at 7, by listening to music. I know how original I am.
So Music Appreciation was like 5th grade band all over again. Sorry Prof, but I know what Dynamics are, and I don't need to snooze through 165 minutes of technical music jargon all over again to be educated and appreciate music better. Didn't help that these dimwitted girls were blabbing next to me the whole time. Well, until we had a 5 minute break. They didn't come back from said break.
After THAT was over, I nearly died about 4 times in quick succession on a trip to walmart with Nicole, Katie, Sierra, Jack, Sam, and Kyle, in Kyle's 6 seater vehicle. Count those names carefully and tell me what's wrong with this picture.
So aside from that, Kyle almost ran off the road while watching a street fight, then bumped a curb with a shopping cart while I was riding the front, almost ran my ankles off when I jumped back on it, and ran-RAN a red light like he was cruising on a side road. I am NEVER complaining about Adam driving slowly again. I'd rather survive slowly than die quickly as paste in the road.
Finished the night off by labeling us all with cereal names. I'm apparently Fruit Loops due to my scary gay voice. Apple Jacks is taken by one of the R.A's downstairs. Sierra is Special K. Katie is Reeses Pieces. Nicole was just named Frosted Flakes. Adam earned the rank of Capn Crunch. Sam (obviously) is Cocoa Puffs. Kyle, due to his knack for staying alive in impossible circumstances, has been dubbed Lucky Charms.
Good Night folks.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Still learning your way around campus?
Still learning your way around campus? Why yes, UNR Facebook Page, I am. However did you know?
OHHH that 10 minute jog around the south end of the school? Yeah that might have been an indicator.
On the bright side, I woke up at 7 as I planned to yesterday, which gave me plenty of time to go eat a giant waffle at the cafe, and go to the Engineering building to get a Lab Computer sign-in name. Getting back to the dorms was the adventure. Oh well. I made it. That's what matters. I also saw a girl playing with her chocolate lab puppy, so that made me feel good about my day in general. So then I went "home" :-P showered, dried off, cursed my third bloody nose in 6 days, and went to read my CS 135 homework. I'm seriously wondering what my performance will be like in that class.
But at 10:45 I went to Calc (didn't need a full hour to find it this morning) and "learned" about vectors. And was trying not to fall asleep. I may need to seriously disappoint some people and cut down on my late night social times. So, I "learned" and got one idea wrong when he asked a question to the class, he refreshed my memory, and all was well. At least I had the balls to speak up. And of course I was in the front row, so the people in back probably didn't even hear my mistake. Reason number X to sit in the front.
Walked off to the Engineering building to prepare for my CS lab in an hour (week one, I believe in being extremely early, even to the point of idiocy), saw my CS lecture professor, and asked him a few questions that I was needing to talk to him about. I also identified myself as the student that had emailed him about a week ago regarding other issues, so I believe he will recognize me in future classes now.
I vote that Minecraft Server Admin be a veritable job that I can put on a professional resume. It feels like a part time job, at the very least, and I'm sure I put more than 20 hours per week into that bloody server.
Sorry, just venting after a 20 minute stint playing judge over some cheating drama. Immature kids.
CS Lab was soo COOL! I got to actually program stuff! Granted, it was simple and stupidly basic, but I DONT CARE! We were given a full program, and once we understood how certain parts of it worked, we had to edit it to output what we wanted instead!
So it would show
when we press Run,
and we had to make it show
and related changes, using a total of 3 different formats. I blazed through it, and made it all the way to the instructions for turning it in. Less homework for who? Oh, me. I was in a goood mood.
Then I got back to my dorm and decided it was time to be tech manager of the stupid server again. I won't bore anyone with that. Philosophy next! Let's see if I can earn that Minor I covet so dearly.
A waking up from a nap made me more pensive and less elated. Too many thoughts and conflicts at once, and all too relevant to me. Of course, everything is relevant, and knowing that all the time really can be a heavy weight on a mind. "Knowing all the time" I wonder what that means. Eh. Unhappy Jeremy. Hope it doesn't carry into class in half an hour. Not so happy about my minor choice now. Don't know why. Fear? Can't figure it out. The question is: How do I figure it out? I think my mood is going to have a negative impact on the people around me if I keep this up. Not easy to explain it though, since people have already noticed.
I don't know. Can I avoid them until they forget about today? Stupid thought. That would do more harm than help. And I'm always the first to know that, aren't I.
What a Dumb class. An opinionated Professor, an undesirable I-Tell-You-What-This-Means-You-Can't-Interpret-It-So-Take-Notes-And-Listen-To-My-Bad-Jokes teaching method, a bad mood, and trying not to pass out from exhaustion made that class extremely droppable. Only my care for Philosophy in general is holding me back, and I'm leaning toward the mindset that I don't need a class to help me love thought. Ah I didn't mention that my stomach was in pain, and I think it's from not eating since breakfast. Who knows. So how about I go find food and try to explain my anti-social behavior to a couple people.
OHHH that 10 minute jog around the south end of the school? Yeah that might have been an indicator.
On the bright side, I woke up at 7 as I planned to yesterday, which gave me plenty of time to go eat a giant waffle at the cafe, and go to the Engineering building to get a Lab Computer sign-in name. Getting back to the dorms was the adventure. Oh well. I made it. That's what matters. I also saw a girl playing with her chocolate lab puppy, so that made me feel good about my day in general. So then I went "home" :-P showered, dried off, cursed my third bloody nose in 6 days, and went to read my CS 135 homework. I'm seriously wondering what my performance will be like in that class.
But at 10:45 I went to Calc (didn't need a full hour to find it this morning) and "learned" about vectors. And was trying not to fall asleep. I may need to seriously disappoint some people and cut down on my late night social times. So, I "learned" and got one idea wrong when he asked a question to the class, he refreshed my memory, and all was well. At least I had the balls to speak up. And of course I was in the front row, so the people in back probably didn't even hear my mistake. Reason number X to sit in the front.
Walked off to the Engineering building to prepare for my CS lab in an hour (week one, I believe in being extremely early, even to the point of idiocy), saw my CS lecture professor, and asked him a few questions that I was needing to talk to him about. I also identified myself as the student that had emailed him about a week ago regarding other issues, so I believe he will recognize me in future classes now.
I vote that Minecraft Server Admin be a veritable job that I can put on a professional resume. It feels like a part time job, at the very least, and I'm sure I put more than 20 hours per week into that bloody server.
Sorry, just venting after a 20 minute stint playing judge over some cheating drama. Immature kids.
CS Lab was soo COOL! I got to actually program stuff! Granted, it was simple and stupidly basic, but I DONT CARE! We were given a full program, and once we understood how certain parts of it worked, we had to edit it to output what we wanted instead!
So it would show
when we press Run,
and we had to make it show
and related changes, using a total of 3 different formats. I blazed through it, and made it all the way to the instructions for turning it in. Less homework for who? Oh, me. I was in a goood mood.
Then I got back to my dorm and decided it was time to be tech manager of the stupid server again. I won't bore anyone with that. Philosophy next! Let's see if I can earn that Minor I covet so dearly.
A waking up from a nap made me more pensive and less elated. Too many thoughts and conflicts at once, and all too relevant to me. Of course, everything is relevant, and knowing that all the time really can be a heavy weight on a mind. "Knowing all the time" I wonder what that means. Eh. Unhappy Jeremy. Hope it doesn't carry into class in half an hour. Not so happy about my minor choice now. Don't know why. Fear? Can't figure it out. The question is: How do I figure it out? I think my mood is going to have a negative impact on the people around me if I keep this up. Not easy to explain it though, since people have already noticed.
I don't know. Can I avoid them until they forget about today? Stupid thought. That would do more harm than help. And I'm always the first to know that, aren't I.
What a Dumb class. An opinionated Professor, an undesirable I-Tell-You-What-This-Means-You-Can't-Interpret-It-So-Take-Notes-And-Listen-To-My-Bad-Jokes teaching method, a bad mood, and trying not to pass out from exhaustion made that class extremely droppable. Only my care for Philosophy in general is holding me back, and I'm leaning toward the mindset that I don't need a class to help me love thought. Ah I didn't mention that my stomach was in pain, and I think it's from not eating since breakfast. Who knows. So how about I go find food and try to explain my anti-social behavior to a couple people.
Monday, August 29, 2011
First day
Monday, August 29th
First day of classes
Woke up at 10, had class at 11. Left for a small free bagel/muffin thing nearby, then started to find the building. Had absolutely no luck. Went back to the Quad to find a map, searched for the building (Orvis School of Nursing, don't ask why Calc 3 is in there) and failed again. So I went to my phone to google map it. It was no where near what the map said, then I realized I was looking at the grid for the other column, and the map had it perfectly labeled. So, with a little annoyance and 30 minutes left, I walked over, and saw the room, which had no label saying MATH at all. So I said screw it, I'll wait anyways, and ended up getting the right room. The professor is cool, he actually cares about calc 3, unlike calc 1-2 according to him. He actually made me anticipate the things I'm going to learn in that class. Only downside is he gave us our first homework assignment already, to write him a letter about us, similar to the one he gave us on our syllubus. There were about 70 people in the class according to him, though it looked more like 40.
So I got out of there after 50 minutes, and headed off to the next building for English 102. I didn't have it until 2:30, but on the first day, I don't take chances. So I messed around on my laptop until I got bored, helped a few people find classrooms, lent one my laptop so he could find out which class he was supposed to be going to, and at 2:15 I went into room 207 for class. Turns out I have 2 classes with someone already, and she also happens to be the only Freshman Math Major (out of 5) who is in Calc 3 level.
Well English should be interesting. Every 102 course is themed, and ours is Popular Art & Culture. So I get to analyze pop culture, understand it, discuss it, and write essays on it. Sounds like Seminar all over again, with more warning. The syllubus says right on it: Short essays (x3) 8% each; Long essays (x3) 12% each; and the due dates for all 6. Not looking forward to that. In addition, if we are absent for more than 3 days total, we lose 5% of our grade per day, barring emergencies. So after reading over that paper, we got into 12 groups of 2 (full attendance too that day) and then proceeded to introduce our partner to the class, naming them, where they were from, their major, 3 pop culture likes, and one dislike. Afterwards, we were let out 45 minutes early because there wasn't anything to do on the first day with introductions. So I walked over to the next building (that I'll have 15 minutes to walk to on a normal day) and sat down to write the first part of this until class started at 4.
So Computer Science blew my mind, so much information in so little time, and he actually didn't even cover all the topics, we have to go online and find the syllabus on a School page I never knew existed.
And then I had SCI 110, which made me feel like I was in Astronomy again, with people who didn't know their butts from a hole in the ground. A few exceptions, but, you get it. We were lent clickers to use for the duration of the class, and one of the students asked "hey if we push the buttons, will it break?" along with another classmate wondering "are you going to tell us how to use this?" I couldn't help but respond to that one out loud, "Nope, you're on your own."
So I have to look at the online stuff in CS, write an introductory letter for Calc, and write a Thank You letter to someone influential to my college choice. And you can guess that last one came from none other than my 'repeat freshman year, you're all IQ 50' SCI 110. One credit from one useless course.
Now I can go have a social life with the girls down the hall, and screw homework. Yay for procrastination. But at least now I'm not doing it in favor of computer games? Excuse? Yes. Care? Not really, no.
So we went to In and Out, I didn't eat though, since I'd just had dinner before we hung out. It was me, 3 suitemates, and 3 girls from room 204. Apparently they enjoy singing britney spears songs, or at the very least get one stuck in their heads. I wasn't in that car, so I wouldn't know. However I did deign to join them on the way back, and while fearing for my life in traffic, I did have a good time. After, we went to their room again, and listened to the iPod of one of them. And I knew about 2% of the songs that came out of it. Whenever a particularly bad song came on I'd walk outside and pop in my Animusic (it helps me relax in general) until the song I was listening to was over, and walk back in. Then I showed them what a real nerd listens to, and belted out the Backstreet boys I know so well. Followed it up with Aladdin, and finished it off with the Circle of Life. Disney can rock it out. Looks like I get to do my CS homework in the morning. Too bad it IS morning. Bye people, until tomorrow/today.
First day of classes
Woke up at 10, had class at 11. Left for a small free bagel/muffin thing nearby, then started to find the building. Had absolutely no luck. Went back to the Quad to find a map, searched for the building (Orvis School of Nursing, don't ask why Calc 3 is in there) and failed again. So I went to my phone to google map it. It was no where near what the map said, then I realized I was looking at the grid for the other column, and the map had it perfectly labeled. So, with a little annoyance and 30 minutes left, I walked over, and saw the room, which had no label saying MATH at all. So I said screw it, I'll wait anyways, and ended up getting the right room. The professor is cool, he actually cares about calc 3, unlike calc 1-2 according to him. He actually made me anticipate the things I'm going to learn in that class. Only downside is he gave us our first homework assignment already, to write him a letter about us, similar to the one he gave us on our syllubus. There were about 70 people in the class according to him, though it looked more like 40.
So I got out of there after 50 minutes, and headed off to the next building for English 102. I didn't have it until 2:30, but on the first day, I don't take chances. So I messed around on my laptop until I got bored, helped a few people find classrooms, lent one my laptop so he could find out which class he was supposed to be going to, and at 2:15 I went into room 207 for class. Turns out I have 2 classes with someone already, and she also happens to be the only Freshman Math Major (out of 5) who is in Calc 3 level.
Well English should be interesting. Every 102 course is themed, and ours is Popular Art & Culture. So I get to analyze pop culture, understand it, discuss it, and write essays on it. Sounds like Seminar all over again, with more warning. The syllubus says right on it: Short essays (x3) 8% each; Long essays (x3) 12% each; and the due dates for all 6. Not looking forward to that. In addition, if we are absent for more than 3 days total, we lose 5% of our grade per day, barring emergencies. So after reading over that paper, we got into 12 groups of 2 (full attendance too that day) and then proceeded to introduce our partner to the class, naming them, where they were from, their major, 3 pop culture likes, and one dislike. Afterwards, we were let out 45 minutes early because there wasn't anything to do on the first day with introductions. So I walked over to the next building (that I'll have 15 minutes to walk to on a normal day) and sat down to write the first part of this until class started at 4.
So Computer Science blew my mind, so much information in so little time, and he actually didn't even cover all the topics, we have to go online and find the syllabus on a School page I never knew existed.
And then I had SCI 110, which made me feel like I was in Astronomy again, with people who didn't know their butts from a hole in the ground. A few exceptions, but, you get it. We were lent clickers to use for the duration of the class, and one of the students asked "hey if we push the buttons, will it break?" along with another classmate wondering "are you going to tell us how to use this?" I couldn't help but respond to that one out loud, "Nope, you're on your own."
So I have to look at the online stuff in CS, write an introductory letter for Calc, and write a Thank You letter to someone influential to my college choice. And you can guess that last one came from none other than my 'repeat freshman year, you're all IQ 50' SCI 110. One credit from one useless course.
Now I can go have a social life with the girls down the hall, and screw homework. Yay for procrastination. But at least now I'm not doing it in favor of computer games? Excuse? Yes. Care? Not really, no.
So we went to In and Out, I didn't eat though, since I'd just had dinner before we hung out. It was me, 3 suitemates, and 3 girls from room 204. Apparently they enjoy singing britney spears songs, or at the very least get one stuck in their heads. I wasn't in that car, so I wouldn't know. However I did deign to join them on the way back, and while fearing for my life in traffic, I did have a good time. After, we went to their room again, and listened to the iPod of one of them. And I knew about 2% of the songs that came out of it. Whenever a particularly bad song came on I'd walk outside and pop in my Animusic (it helps me relax in general) until the song I was listening to was over, and walk back in. Then I showed them what a real nerd listens to, and belted out the Backstreet boys I know so well. Followed it up with Aladdin, and finished it off with the Circle of Life. Disney can rock it out. Looks like I get to do my CS homework in the morning. Too bad it IS morning. Bye people, until tomorrow/today.
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