Monday, October 22, 2012

Ok. So. Here's Earth...

I love that video, ze end of ze world.
On another note, here's a video I just recently love because I literally just saw it in someone else's Facebook feed.

It has me quite excited for 2013, and hoping that December 21st 2012 doesn't mean the end of the world that everyone doesn't think it does.

Speaking of that date, on that particular day, I will have gone 1 full year without a hair cut. I am actually not sure if I have the determination to make it that long. I just passed the 10 month mark, and it is seriously turning into a battle of willpower.

So what's going on in my life? Um. Good question. About a month ago I went up to Alaska for a weekend (Surprise!) and had a blast. Maybe not as much fun as I could have, but definitely the best I could considering the circumstances of why I was up there and people's schedules. Where did I upload those pictures to... Oh yeah, Facebook. Not sure how in depth I should go on that trip. I've forgotten the minor details, like the order in which everything happened... Oh well.

More recently, I've been involved again with the Lincoln Haunted Basement, an annual charity event done by a couple of the local dorm halls. Such a stressful event, since we meet every Thursday night, and since the second meeting, we haven't known heads or tails what the theme of the basement would be. It seemed pretty stable on a creepy, dusty, dead silent museum. Then some kind of creature got involved. Then the basement had no sense of whether it was a museum or an animal control project. Finally, it got completely redone into the Virginia Street Sewer Project, a haunted sewer system that has secretly been under Reno the entire time, and is now getting re-connected to the main system, with the help of eager volunteers who happen to pay the entry fee of $2 or two canned foods. We start construction this Friday, and I cannot wait to put our plans into action. My long hair will also be playing a part in it.

I played soccer with one of my house mates, Bandar (from Saudi Arabia) last Thursday, before the meeting. I'd forgotten how out of shape I was, my lack of obesity defies logic and makes people think I can still do sports well. I had a cramp after 30 minutes, and the grass was so slick I was falling after every kick. The group was nice though, one member of the opposing team even helped me up off my butt after I almost crashed into him.
On the soccer topic, I have officially joined an intramural co-ed soccer team, scheduled to play every Monday night, with one random Friday thrown in. Considering tonight is our first game, and we had snow in the forecast, I expect to lose a couple fingers, or be running across the field with my hands in my pants. At least the meager crowd will be entertained, if we have one. Maybe it'll entertain the referees, poor souls.

Classes are fluctuating, my Proofs class is proving (pun intended) to be the most difficult at the moment. When [2][6]+[11]^10 = [6], there is a problem with the world. Granted this was in Z_13 because you all know what that means. I fully expect to get a 60 or lower on this coming test Wednesday.
On the test topic, my midterm for Computer Science (yeah that class I'm taking for the third time) came back with a perfect 90. I'll see tomorrow what they didn't like about my test. I think I already know, but we'll see. I'm still not likely to pass the class with the required prerequisite for the next level, and thus will take it again next semester screw that, I'm done with it. I'm not wasting any more time and money in that class. If I can afford to audit the level 202 class, THAT'S what I'm going to do, I don't even care about credit anymore. I'm switching my major to a Bachelor of Arts in Math, and removing my need for Computer Science completely. I can teach myself whatever I need to if I can't audit 202.It's funny, I actually did my very first Design Assignment and Programming Assignment EVER during my wait in the airport heading up to Anchorage. I was proud of myself. Too bad it's still to late to recover my homework grade. Oh well, some things aren't meant to be. Seems to be a theme recently.
French is a joke still. Although I did manage to make a fool out of myself because we had to do a research project on Normandy, and I hate history almost more than Computer Science, so all my notes were "skimpy" by the professor's description. I replied that my care for the topic was equally skimpy. The people who heard me laughed.
I can finally say that I'm starting to understand why Linear Algebra has the word Linear in it, regardless of all the blooming matrices it uses to perform its convoluted actions.The test on that shouldn't be too rough, and I actually took notes in class today, so that's an even better upside. The homework is still ridiculous though, skipped about 4 of the 9 problems because they simply didn't make sense to me.

Can't think of much else really. Oh, I dumped salsa on my $1200 laptop, and after taking it apart using the knowledge my brother imparted upon me, I determined the keyboard was ruined, so I ordered a new one from dell. Hoping that everything works well when I get that added in, I really do fear for the damage that was done during those moments where the computer was on and the red goo was seeping into every part it could. My laptop is going to have a faint aroma around it forever... Typing this on my basic couple-years old laptop now. It's taken the brunt of my usage now.

Until I think of something else to write about, happy reading, and let's hope I have fingers left to use when this soccer game is over. Happy Reading, and Happy earlyHalloween.