Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I didn't touch my computer the whole weekend.

I've been waaaaay too busy to do anything related to my computer/gaming this weekend. Too busy getting ready for Lincoln Haunted Basement, a mini-haunted house in the basement of White Pine Hall's neighbor hall, Lincoln. Starting Friday at 1, we began construction of the entire project. First the clean out needed to be done, and that required lifting cinderblocks and other miscellaneous materials that weren't going to be used, then bringing them to the new storage room. Then the layout of the individual rooms began. We all had our separate groups, and got to work on the room we had chosen. I was in one of the largest rooms, the (old) storage room. We got to lift student desks and rearrange them in a rectangle, and then work on creating a fake conveyor belt out of tin foil. The worst part was getting the fake walls made of tarp hung up and stable. The best part was getting to know the people in my room, and the happiness when I was recognized as someone who doesn't get creeped out, rather, I just join in and play along. (But the question is: was I actually playing?)
I also was invited to an event on campus, Harry Potter Weekend, where we got to participate in various Potter related activities. There was wand-making, where we used a wood stick and a bunch of art supplies to create our own wand, (we were supposed to only get 1 stick, but I got away with 3) there was Wizard Chess, where the people in charge took forever and a day to make a decision (we won by the way) and then there was Harry Potter Jeopardy. 6 teams of 2 people went through round 1. My team started in the negatives, but then worked our way back up, and after bidding 2/3 of what we had, made it to first place. Then the top 3 teams split into 6 individual contestants to compete for the prize. The funniest thing was, each team had a strong player, and a bit of a tag along Potter fan. I had a heart rate of about 240 as we were playing the game. Katie and Rachel, two girls I had never met until that night, really gave me a hard battle. If I remember correctly, our 3 scores before Final Jeopardy were : 8200-Katie 6400-Me and 8600-Rachel. I just know I was in last of the top 3. The category: Potions. My bet: 4000. My final score: 10400. The winning score: 10400. I was so relieved, and my heart finally dropped out of my throat. So I won a light-up wand. Then there was a raffle, and I won a Tales of Beedle the Bard book. It was a great night, with great people. I was happy to know I wasn't alone in my fanaticism.
Then it was back to the basement to do more work. That construction was an adventure. That lasted the entirety of the weekend, from 1-10 Friday, 12-10 Saturday, and 11-7 Sunday, 7 being the time of judgement for safety and scare-ity. We passed the safety, but lacked loads in scariness. So an hour, and a few extra actors later, we had our act ramped up a ton. We felt gooooood about our room. We even got applause from a very (how to put this nicely) picky... coordinator.
Monday came, I stayed up until 4 am talking about very deep subjects. It felt really good to get back into the philosophical mindset again. I really miss it from the Seminar School. The downside is, 4 am is cruel to the early riser. I was woken at 7 to go to breakfast with friends, and then got 2 hours of sleep upon returning, before I had class. I went to Calc 3, where I'm calculating the volume under oddly shaped functions, and bounded by odd shapes on the x,y plane. Apparently it's some "big deal" for later. And I was having trouble keeping my eyes open, and my mouth closed (yawn) the entire time. Afterwards, I needed to do laundry, so I fell asleep for 2 hours instead. I think I made the right choice, as I felt much better after I woke up to go to English. English 102 is primarily about analysis for my class. This week, we are analyzing Photography. Composition and Subject matter are the main points we look for. Balance of light, colors, patterns, and also the intent of the photographer as they took the photo. So we got to get into the feet of the photographers, and take pictures around campus on a sort of independent scavenger hunt, taking pictures of things such as: a pattern of squares, an insect/animal, Fall season, motion, 2 triangles in the same frame, a path leading to the distance... It was quite fun really. Of course, we have to pick our 3 favorites and send the Professor a paragraph explaining why (in analytical terms of course) we chose those 3. So it's not all fun and games. Computer Science was boring as ever, we learned about Arrays and how to use them, as well as how to use loops to make them useful. The next thing I did was skip SCI 110. I needed to get ready for the Basement, and that class is useless. So with a light heart, I speedwalked back to my dorm to get changed. I also got to avoid the socially awkward fact that somebody in my class knows I'm avoiding somebody else in that class.
So I got changed, grabbed my snacks and my water, and walked down to the basement. Everything was pretty much set up, and I got my makeup put on as the poor throat-slash victim. I was advised to shave my neck before getting liquid latex put on the next night. (Seriously that stuff hurts when peeled off neck hair.) So the makeup was done, and I had no idea how much pain I was in for when I was done that evening.
So the basement opened up at 7, and the scaring was boring. No one was really impressed by any of us. We continued until 9:30 when we had our 7 minute break. After the break, things got good. People were screaming, we changed a few parts of our room, sudden bangs got people worked up, and I even got a couple screams out of people myself. It was a great time. The quotes that came out of that room were priceless as well. The line finished at about 11:30, and we got to work fixing the messed up parts of our room. We had no more foil to fix the conveyor belt, so that was put off for Tuesday. Then I peeled off my throat wound, felt like crying as I massaged my sore neck, and went to bed. No shower, I was too tired. I hope my bed didn't get too bloody, I did change out of my blood soaked clothes first.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ok I fail

So I said the game would be in another post. But I procrastinated, which seems to be a common theme this week, and therefore forgot most of the details. One way or another, I had an awesome time yelling myself hoarse, watching a Rebel (UNLV player) superman dive, seeing at least 2 long distance dashes to the end zone, watching a football miss the net to rocket at a crowd member about 7 feet away, rushing the field, seeing someone get paramedic attention, loving the 37-0 decimation that was our team, enjoying the deep voice that comes after I can't speak anymore, and just having fun in general with my friends. It was a good day.
Monday wasn't as great as I expected, the social barrier is up again, making new friends with people in my classes though, so that's a plus. Also watched the talent show, where at least 5 people that I know brought out the sexy while playing the part of pirates. Don't ask.
Tuesday I overslept my Calc class, so I'm behind a lesson on that, not my best move. The computer science lab was nothing but getting papers back, so I had enough time to watch Devil's Rejects with friends. Disturbing, and oddly pointless movie. Then I tried to pull an all nighter and passed out at 4 am. And woke up at 7 am. Then I played the computer until I went to eat, no bacon today, I was sad. And I went to Calc at 11, where the Professor went over part of yesterdays lesson while introducing today's material. Then began the 4.5 page essay writing. I was analyzing the movie GATTACA, and exploring its theme. I had 2 hours and 40 minutes to write 4.5 pages of college level analysis of a 1 hour and 47 minute movie. I succeeded.
Then went to CS where I did the in-class part of the midterm test, didn't have a chance at the take-home section. I might get 50% on that midterm. Fully expecting to fail that class, its a freeing feeling to expect failure, I have experience with it already.
By the way, that was 3 hours of sleep last night. I've consumed 4 bottles of Mountain dew, various flavors, and am working on bottle 5 as I type. Off to Music appreciation i go! Eyes, awaken!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Speedy recap

So I woke up feeling like today would be a good day. I realized I hadn't had a nosebleed since my cold, and it had been about 2-3 weeks. At night, Sierra, Nicole, Katie, and I all camped out in the 40-50 degree night, on hard concrete, in order to wait in a 1000+ long line for tickets to the UNR-UNLV rivalry football game the coming Saturday.Kyle and Sam also joined us about 3 hours in, and Kyle and I tossed a frisbee around for about 20 minutes of it. We pulled off some cool tricks with it too. Kyle was asked by a random lady if her eyes were dilated. He always gets the weirdest people talking to him.
I woke up knowing today would be bad. I had 4 classes to attend, one of them is killing me, and 3 others have a socially awkward sense about them.
However, although I ended up blinking my way through Calc, didn't catch a thing, I managed to break the socially awkward tension though! I found a way to incorporate my ticket camping into a civil conversation! I was so happy for the entire class, and it almost bubbled over into my CS class. Almost. Although I'm sure I was very visually happy during my 1 hour break between the classes, even if no one noticed. CS finished, nothing new was learned because we have our midterm next Wednesday. SCI 110 was also simple, and I made another break in the social ice during that class, actually getting names exchanged in the process! Not that I didn't already know, but it was nice to get the basics out of the way. It was easy to talk, considering we were discussing the Calc test we had received that morning, with another member of the class. I got an 80. The average was 73, the median was 75, and some super nerd got 100, with a possible 5 extra credit. We also received our next assignment for the class, an interview for parents about their thoughts of us in college. Someone ELSES parents. Our groups were assigned, and our parents were to be contacted by said random person from the group.
Tuesday had nothing of note, I was actually awake in calc this time. didn't understand anything that was said, I was literally boggled by it. That is a true first, if I remember correctly. Afterwards I revealed that I had broken the ice to a couple people, they asked me "how it was" but it was just a conversation or two... Idunno.
Wednesday had me falling asleep in calc again, and creating a movie in English with a group of 2 others. We made a movie about a corrupt cop selling weed to pay for his Academy debts. First, he gets away from a bust. Then, his friend on the criminal side gets shot. Finally, he gets shot in a giant drug bust. Thats an example of escalating conflict, kind of like in Spiderman, when his first conflict was with a high school bully, and ends with a major final battle. CS proved to me that I'm completely lost, and I'm just bracing myself for how to explain the failure to everyone when it comes. I'm at the point where I'm considering changing my major to avoid that class requirement. No idea where I would go though.
Thursday is a blur, and I have no idea what I did that day. Honestly, I'm pulling a blank. BUT after that blur happened, I went to the Lincoln Haunted Basement meeting, my 4th one, and I'm getting very excited about it. I'm actually set up to be one of the actors IN the room I chose! It's going to be epic. After that, I emulated the creeper I always act like, and watched the performers for the talent show, first through the glass in a door, and after I got caught, I watched through the window while I stood on the balcony for a full hour. They came outside for about the last 40 minutes of my spying. Then Sierra needed help preparing for a math test, so I was forced by moral obligation to assist her.
Friday I slept until 2:30, and wasted the day on Minecraft. I honestly have no life other than that game sometimes. It's a sad fact. At least I still have my body. I'm not a fat gamer yet.
Saturday. The day of the big game. Breakfast was nothing special, they had BACON and I got first grab at the platter they put out during one of the switch outs. So I was feeling good for the morning. Then I played Minecraft while no one told me that they were going out to the Freighthouse again. So I listened to Kyle saying "get to 204 asap" at aobut 1:30 and put my camera on charge. Once I was done getting my stuff ready, I saw Kyle and Katie walking down the road in the direction of the stadium. So I panicked, grabbed my camera battery, and my jacket (I've been to enough football games in my high school, I know how it gets, and my jacket matches Nevada BLUE) and fast-walked out the door. I knew I couldn't run, it was around 65 degrees and I still break a sweat when it's hot midday. I fast-walked all the way to the stadium, and had to text them before I realized that I had caught up to them. So we waited in the line, and got to sit right in the front of the student section, where we waited for about 2 hours for the game to finally start. I will start a new post to document the game. It was that epic.