Thursday, September 29, 2011

Just ordinary

Started as a day like any other.
Adam woke me up because he locked himself out of our room when he showered. I proceeded to get dressed and go to breakfast. I was depressed when I saw that all the bacon was taken, then my heart was rejuvenated as one of the chefs saw my forlorn gaze, and told me that they had bacon under the heat lamp. So he grabbed a handful and made my morning loads better. Turns out Adam was there already, so I didn't even eat alone.
Calc was fun, I finally learned what partial derivatives are, and how slope works in 3D space.
The rest was average, playing minecraft until I got bored myself dousing people in lava.
And I started feeling my heartburn again, thus restarting my daily Prilosec regime. Why am I such an old man at 19? This makes no sense.
Then the fun came as I started playing Age of Empires 2 against Sam, one of my suitemates. The battles were long and arduous, but the victor was eventually

Oh wait we aren't done yet. We had to pause and eat before the cafe closed, where I am currently blogging as I munch.
I'll keep y'all posted.

What a letdown, his computer died, and he quit by default. There's always tomorrow I suppose.


  1. The bacon was taken! it rhymes :P

    What exactly is minecraft?!

  2. A very addicting game when played with the right people, and with admin rights.
