Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wake up in the morning....

Not that I'm any famous singer, but I've been coming up with parodies to songs that fit my situation this morning. I'll use the clean version and say that my nose just didn't agree with the dry weather for the fourth time, and decided to wake me up at 5 because of said disagreement. This Alaskan may be investing in a humidifier very soon.
Breakfast was "continental" but our food swipes refresh tonight, so I figured, why not? I think I picked the right meal plan so far, considering I'll probably be skipping lunch all 4 of my school days. As I got back to my dorm to pick up my laptop and other class objects, I realized how a box of kleenex on my bed must have looked to Adam, who had no idea of what had transpired before he left for class.

With that in mind, I walked down to the Calc classroom (which is located in the School of Nursing Building), saw 2 girls wearing Delta Delta Delta shirts, and tried not to laugh out loud as I recalled last night's time with the suite 204 girls (and Sierra, who lives in Nye Hall, but "lives" over with us whenever she can). I don't know my position on Greek life. My first thought would understand a desire to belong, to help the community, and pride in being accepted into a house, but the other part is busy judging stereotypes and knowing that no one needs someone else to help them help others, in addition to cringing at the initial financial burden, should one be accepted. But, a couple of the girls are considering it, and I have to respect them regardless, simply because I know their motivations already. All I can do is hope they don't fold to pressures and fall into the stereotype we all know and love from Hollywood. I have faith.
Well, I shouldn't write my notes in my calculator anymore. When PERP If UV=0 shows up, as well as PROJeU=(Ue/LEN(e))(e/LEN(e))
Something is wrong.
But on the bright side, I got to go outside for English 102. We got into groups of 3, and interviewed 2 random people out on campus about their positions on Pop Culture. Now I just have to crack down on the 2 questions I have to answer before next class: What do I think the current cultural climate is, and what is my musical upbringing like? Should be fun, I have plenty of ideas.
So a hop over to the math building brought me to CS, which involved a speech about Bits, Bytes, Hexadecimal, Octal, Decimal, Binary, Words, and a very short presentation about how to actually set up a program "skeleton" so that it is ready to start being used. I get the feeling the next weeks will be more in depth, and I may actually have to start paying attention eventually. I hope so. That lecture was basically a repeat of everything my brother has told me, in addition to common sense. "A Bit has 2 states." "There are 8 Bits in a Byte" zzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.................... Oh are we programming now?
So that was a good time. I'm dropping Philosophy.I don't need a bad class to tell me how to love thinking.
Getting ready for Music Appreciation, my 2.75 hour class once per week at 7, by listening to music. I know how original I am.
So Music Appreciation was like 5th grade band all over again. Sorry Prof, but I know what Dynamics are, and I don't need to snooze through 165 minutes of technical music jargon all over again to be educated and appreciate music better. Didn't help that these dimwitted girls were blabbing next to me the whole time. Well, until we had a 5 minute break. They didn't come back from said break.
After THAT was over, I nearly died about 4 times in quick succession on a trip to walmart with Nicole, Katie, Sierra, Jack, Sam, and Kyle, in Kyle's 6 seater vehicle. Count those names carefully and tell me what's wrong with this picture.
So aside from that, Kyle almost ran off the road while watching a street fight, then bumped a curb with a shopping cart while I was riding the front, almost ran my ankles off when I jumped back on it, and ran-RAN a red light like he was cruising on a side road. I am NEVER complaining about Adam driving slowly again. I'd rather survive slowly than die quickly as paste in the road.
Finished the night off by labeling us all with cereal names. I'm apparently Fruit Loops due to my scary gay voice. Apple Jacks is taken by one of the R.A's downstairs. Sierra is Special K. Katie is Reeses Pieces. Nicole was just named Frosted Flakes. Adam earned the rank of Capn Crunch. Sam (obviously) is Cocoa Puffs. Kyle, due to his knack for staying alive in impossible circumstances, has been dubbed Lucky Charms.
Good Night folks.

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