Saturday, December 17, 2011

Long time no see.

I think I set the record for the amount of @$$-Whole things I could say or do in one day. I swear, by the time it was 10:00 PM I was surprising myself even.
Woke up at 9, planned to eat first, then use the next 2.5 hours before my Music Appreciation Final to cram the listening portion into my mind and know at least half of them. No such luck. I couldn't get out of bed due to how tired I was. I went to bed at midnight after talking about the days' events with 204, I thought that 9 hours of sleep would be enough to satisfy my fatigue. I was wrong. Finally, at 10, I crawled out of bed and got ready for the day. The cereal dispenser at the cafe wouldn't work. At 11:30 I finally had the focus to get onto the website for the listening, and crammed all I could in the short time I gave myself. Made my way over to a lecture hall, the inside of which I'd never seen, and found a spot near a student I'd worked with in another class. We talked about the music, were joined by another classmate, observed a periodic table of elements in the room, and then the room took the test. It wasn't that bad, I'm sure I got less than 40 of the 50 questions correct. So I won't get a great grade on that one. Not worried, the class was simple and I had 80 points (8% of the class total) in extra credit. (Side note, I got 926/1000 in the class, for my first official A in this university.) After that final, I returned to 204 to hang out with them, and after repairing a messed up minecraft server, I returned to the room to find that all of them were gone. And my power cable was in their room still. So a text-hunt later and I met them in the Overlook. I ate nothing, was called skinny, and also got my fatigue blamed on my lack of nutrition.
I then proceeded to accompany Nicole and Sierra to the Post Office. I typically walk, but they took the campus shuttle instead. So Sierra picked up 2 packages, and I peeked into my keyhole to be sure I had nothing to pick up (not that I had my key on me anyhow)
So we took the bus down afterwards, as I usually do this time. During said bus ride, I happened to overhear a couple girls in front of me talking about Teepee, Tent, and The More The Merrier. Curious, I looked over at them, and saw them reading from a book called the Snuggie Sutra. Yes this means exactly what it sounds like.
So when we got back to the dorm, I was busy laughing without trying to be obvious, and then showing the other girls internet findings of the book. Then began my descent into jerkhood. The things I did weren't that bad, it was just the frequency of them that astounded us all. Closing doors in people's faces, mocking the things they said, just being an annoying little prick in general. So the day passed, my laughter progressively getting more frequent, due to more frequent idiocy on my part.
Finally, we went to breakfast. I understand that this makes no sense. The cafe had some special event going on for finals, breakfast from 10-12 in the evening. Thus my douchiness ended. I was brought to sobriety by the sight of someone to motivate deep thoughts. Deep thought Jeremy is quiet and brooding, and not an @$$. After that was over, and I was stuffed, we went back to the dorms, and by 12:06, I was normal again, giving away the last 6 boxes of my nerds gift. And I still thank Kyle Mavrides and Nicole Emmerich for giving it to me a week ago, and helping me accentuate that we are what we eat.

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