Saturday, November 26, 2011

What do I call this.....Title Here. Thats good.

I've revived this to state that my life is not just revolving around Minecraft, friends down in suite 204, classes, and emotional stress/anxiety. Most of it is, which is why I haven't blogged in too long. People just don't want to hear about those mundane things, or at least not the majority. Especially when it gets repetitive for so many days. So speaking to the audience that I know reads this, I can fill y'all in on my Thanksgiving details, and perhaps even entertain you. Challenge accepted.
So, I'll start with Wednesday, since that's when a lot of significant things happened. Almost all of my friends left, primarily from Suite 204, but also a couple out of my suite. I had to go to 2 classes that day, whereas most of the people I knew had a morning class and were finished. Nope, I got to take a 100 point exam in Computer Science. Time to program my heart out. Or lose my heart to the strain of stressing over it. Happily, it was all programming, and no commenting, which played right into my strengths. I finished the test about 20th, and with 11 minutes to spare, even after filling in the extra credit section. I'm fairly confident in that result. After a MUCH needed Skype conversation lasting almost 2 and a half hours, as well as an exchange of messages with someone else for 39 minutes, I was ready to sleep. By Thursday morning, the place was devoid of life, except me. And Adam. My roommate lives nearby (relatively) and decided to not spend all 4+ days with his family, thus preventing the onset of my cabin fever. I can actually talk to someone besides myself without going to the internet. However, Thursday was also Thanksgiving, and I'd been invited to Ali's house to spend the time with her family, and a few other invitees. 2 from White Pine along with me, as well as an inhabitant of (Spellcheck) Nikiski/Kenai area who had taken a train from Washington, if I remember correctly. So a little over an hour later, the food was out, the green beans reminded me of home (no lie, I swear my mom made it) and we were all stuffed with turkey, cranberries, other assorted dishes expected of the date, and an interesting Jello concoction made specially by Ali's younger sister. We also got to play with bubbles of water on the water-resistant table cover (theres a word for it, but I'm tired.) After that meal at 12:30 or so, they got out the 8th Harry Potter movie, and we simply watched that and I bashed the lack of accuracy to the book as it went along. I'll forever love the series, but I swear some of those scenes make my eyes hurt. There is no logical reason to have Harry and Voldemort jump off of the castle and meld their faces together.
- Ok off topic. So afterwards, a few of us got to get our hands on the new Modern Warfare game, and shot up some zombies. It passed the time, I've never been strong with a console honestly. The Cowboys-Dolphins game interrupted our playtime, as the score was close enough to actually garner our attention. Everyone knows the result, and it felt like the whole house was defeated as the final kick went in. Afterwards, they set up an Apples to Apples game, and the one player who had no experience at all decided to destroy everyone. He won with 10 cards, and the closest runner up had.... 4? I ended up holding 'Delicious' and it's been said that your finishing cards can actually describe you... The worst part was when I had to judge the word "Cool" and two really mean people put down, "Math" (I almost decided to let that one win without looking at the rest) and "Harry Potter" and I swear my heart was torn. I finally used logic to determine that sometimes math can be annoying and difficult, whereas Harry Potter has never ceased to be cool at any point I can remember. Thus Harry Potter won. It really hurt to make that decision.
So after that game was finished, the whole bunch of us sat and lazed about watching volleyball and messing with the dog. The invitees got a ride back to the dorms, and the train rider was carted back to wherever he was supposed to be... Reading and Minecraft finished off that night. Probably should have eaten something else, but the important things escape me the most.
So Black Friday came, and for once I didn't wake up at 6 or earlier. It felt so weird to be up at 9 instead, with Adam not there, he slept elsewhere that night. I knew the nearby cafe was closed, so I simply took a 6-stop-light hike down to McDonalds. Not the best choice for health, but it's the first time I've had it since I left Alaska. Adam was there when I got back, it was just him and me. Two R.A.'s stopped by (I guess to be sure we weren't partying it up.) The rest of the day is a blur of napping, reading, Big Bang Theory on Adam's laptop, and the internet. Until I hiked the 3 stop-lights to Walgreens, and picked up a few things I've been putting off purchasing. My contact solution that just went empty that morning, to start with. Kinda need that.
So the dorm was silent as I got back, the campus a ghost town. Jack stopped by with some people, then left, then came back with a high school kid, then left again, this time saying he'd be back sometime around Tuesday. So I simply popped in my Ipod and let the day pass. It's so nice to be able to sing to my music without worrying about people hearing me and judging me. Then Adam got back and we both silently passed out time on our computers. He went to bed, I wrapped my stuff up online, checked the stuff I deem important, and then proceeded to write this to whomever decides it is worth their time to devour. So, as my eyelids droop, my roommate snorts (no seriously, he just did, even though he doesn't fully snore) and the hour hits 1 am, I say good night, good morning, and hope you had a happy reading. I also hope I didn't miss anything important... Now what do I call this blooming post?!?!?!

1 comment:

  1. Well it's good to know my food has made an impression on you!! We missed you here on Thanksgiving, but I'm happy you had friends you were able to spend the day with. I'm even happier you will be home for Christmas!!! Love you!!
