Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day One, Take Two.

So I woke up at 7, my roommate Elika unintentionally woke me by not being able to sleep himself. I slept miserably, waking up every hour, so it was hardly a problem for me. So I got up, went to breakfast with 3 friends and got my first omelet of the school year. Afterwards, I had to scram to class at 9, Core Humanities 201, also known as Ancient and Medieval Cultures, where my professor Phil Boardman gave us an introduction to the course, told us how his favorite subject was particularly in Medieval history, and has been teaching the subject since before I was born. Literally.
Afterwards, I went to the discussion for said Core Humanites class, where my discussion leader was more interested in getting us all to know each other than we was into the subject. So first he went through attendance, where he would have us introduce how we wanted our name spoken, then where we were from, and finally... The Grossest Thing We Have Ever Eaten. Not like it was random or anything, but- Yes, yes it was. I think my favorite one I actually paid attention to was Duck Blood. Apparently a girl's father thought it was juice, and packed it with her lunch one day in elementary school. She had no idea, and bam, down the hatch it went. The leader took about 3 minutes per person inquiring into the story behind each experience the student had for food. I circumvented it by simply choosing Black Liquorice. Not much to be said about it, so he moved on with no doubt a slight disappointment that he would have no story with which to associate me.
On to Linear Algebra, my only 300 level class, where the professor decided he was going to intimidate the masses by showing us an example of what we would be using to solve our problems, and just how useful the subject could be in many fields. He used matrices, and I promptly decided I was going to hate the coming semester. Matrices have always been giant pains in my butt, and no doubt will continue to be so in the coming months. So with that out of the way, I moved onto my first break in the week, which lasted from noon until 2 Pm. I used this time to check my PO box, as well as grabbing something that a nearby location was holding onto for me. Once 2 arrived, I was in Schulich Lecture hall, hoping I spelled it correctly in my blog, and waiting for class to start. First words out of the professor's mouth and I knew this was NOT going to be a good time. The professor is German, and has in no way tried to tame his accent. I didn't even understand his name, forget the majority of his lecture. For the parts I did understand, I caught snippets of his life story, and I was one of the most interested students in the entire hall as he-ok I can't even lie about that, I was bored brainless. It's interesting that he worked on nuclear projects that used to be classified, but that's not what I came here to learn, and especially with no idea what most of his vocabulary is comprised of. I respect his work, but I only took the class for the science grade, and I freely admit it. Physics has hated me for years, and I thought I could catch a break with an easy, low-level class. Apparently the God of Physics had other intentions. On the bright side, I do know 2 people who are currently in the class, so there may be hope that we can collaborate and fill in accent-caused blanks on each other's issues.
I don't recall much of what happened afterwards, I was starting to lose focus, and I made my way BACK to Schulich Lecture hall for my repeated Computer Science course, since apparently I can fail a class even while receiving a D. According to certain people. Not my transcript, which says I got all 3 credits, but-ok dropping it. So I was bored to sleep as Bobby went over the same syllabus as last semester, although I did get a few more words in with the Supplemental Instruction leader than last time, hopefully I'll have the time to attend those meetings and improve my performance enough to succeed in this attempt. Then I ran out of the classroom in a desperate bid for my bed. That was delayed by a text conversation, until I rudely cut it off by passing out on the couch in 204. Then I woke to 2 girls laughing at my curled up form and bloodshot eyes due to contacts as I slept. A bloody nose got me to vacate the room and head to my suite to avoid the embarrassment of them seeing me in that state. I really hate the adjustment period as I switch climates from 80% humidity and -15 degrees, up to 40% humidity and 30 degrees. I'm toasty but my nose hates me now. So once I got that stemmed, it was into bed, and off to sleep. Day One, Done. Get it? D(ay)ONE

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