Sunday, July 5, 2015

Growing Up

In what world does the computer not win over chores? In what world do I not get jealous of someone watching TV while I mop the floors? what world do I mop AT ALL?!?!
This one apparently. One where I find myself considering my parent's lessons more frequently. One where I'm the one griping at other people for leaving doors open. One where I'm the one turning lights off.
It sucks growing old. I'm not even 1/4 done with an average life span, but I'm feeling like 3/4 of my life is gone. What time do I have ahead of me to travel? To learn? To be immature?
Who am I kidding, I'm still immature. I can't save money, can't cook, sleep for an average of 12 hours a night (when I actually sleep at night instead of the day)... definitely a work in progress.

Progress. Progressive. Politics. Another grown up topic that I'm learning to care about. (Note: learning. I don't actually care about it that much yet.)
I actually thought for a few weeks that Donald Trump would be worthy of a vote. He's unique among candidates in that he isn't a career politician. He knows how to run a complex system and raise it up to become a flourishing, well known entity. No corruption, no special agenda, just benefit for the country.
Then he went public and showed everyone how intolerant he is. Intolerant, racist, conservative to an extreme that I can't even understand. Fragment, consider revising.

Apparently some site says I agree 78% with Democrats and 55% with Republicans. Top voting candidate: Bernie Sanders, Democrat. Don't know a thing about him. Second candidate: Marco Rubio, Republican. Third candidate: Hillary Clinton, Democrat. Fourth candidate: Rand Paul, Republican. Ok site, which one is it, Democrat or Republican, make up your mind. Then again, I've always hated labels. Stop trying to put a label on people by saying they're a Liberal or Conservative. All it does is cause prejudice. "If you vote Democrat, you ain't patriotic and you stomp on flags." "Stop watching Fox news sheeple, wake up to the lies the government is spreading"
It's terrible. Of course, it's quite easy to discuss politics when I'm the only one speaking. Blogs can be good for that I suppose. No interruptions, the majority of people actually read what I type instead of hearing the parts they want to... Fragment, consider revising.

Thank you, Microsoft Word, for embedding that phrase into my brain so completely. Why ever did I start studying Math in college when every English teacher I ever had loved my writing style, since I can first remember learning what an essay was around the 5th grade? 5th grade, wrote about Einstein and earned a nickname from it. 6th grade, constant comments about my 'daily writing' exercises saying my style was engaging even as I rambled from topic to topic (sound familiar?). 2nd place in the school spelling bee 7th grade (damn you, chrysanthemum...) and when I actually cared about a writing piece, the teachers knew it. Letter grades represented A for Actually cared, B for BS'd it. C for Chose not to turn it in on time. <_<
I have an obvious affinity for language and communication, whether it was my half-witted attempt to learn Braille in 5th grade, my excellence at learning French in high school, or my ease at picking up coding languages. Once I learn their structure, the rest just comes to me. It Makes Sense.
I was always the logical one trying to solve arguments and relationship problems for others. Heck, one couple that I assisted in high school just got married a few days ago ^_^
My extensive vocabulary means I spend way too long thinking about the 'proper' word to use for any given situation, but I also know how to dumb it down well enough to not sound like a pretentious Stanford graduate trying to sound educated. Educated. Smart. Intelligent. Three words that have very specific meanings to me. Intelligent being one who has acquired knowledge, Smart being one who knows how to use that knowledge, Educated being one who has acquired only a specific subset of knowledge. My hard-working friends who are in the middle of their Master's Degrees? Smart. Me, the procrastinator who can do whatever he puts his mind to, yet chooses to play computer games and fail classes? Intelligent. My 9th grade awkward-as-hell history teacher that had a PhD in History and Physics, but couldn't communicate with students or teachers in any setting other than trying to teach them or inform them of something? Educated.

Well, now that I've spent a few pennies that I had for my own thoughts, I have no simple conclusion to this. Prepare for an ending that feels misplaced. I'm growing up, I hate labels, and I wish I knew a certain way that a writer could make money well. It didn't help that I wrote this in 2 sessions, the first section split when I started to list candidates. So every thought in my train when I wrote that was completely gone by the time I got back to it.

The End.

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